Babies make a lot of unusual sounds and movements in their sleep — especially in the early newborn days. While they nap on your chest or snooze in the bassinet next to your bed you may notice their bodies twitch or spasm. This can be alarming to witness but it is very common and typically a normal part of your baby’s development. “I noticed my 2-week-old sometimes does a rhythmic subtle twitching, which looks very similar to hiccups but is not,” shares one mom in the What to Expect Community’s Baby’s First Year forum. “It’s not a sound but a twitch in her body. As soon as we wake her up it stops.” 

For the most part, babies twitching in their sleep is relatively common, completely normal, and an expected part of their development, explains Lyndsey Garbi, M.D., a pediatrician in New York City. “Seeing them twitch may be concerning, but as long as it is short-lived and your baby is overall healthy, it's usually normal.”

What is baby sleep twitching? 

The medical term for baby sleep twitching is benign neonatal sleep myoclonus. It’s considered to be a sleep-related movement condition that happens primarily during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, explains Jay Lovenheim, DO, FAAP, care center vice president of advocare at Lovenheim Pediatrics. "Generally, this can happen in the first few weeks of life but can occur in all stages of sleep.”

These movements are caused by the moro or startle reflex that babies typically grow out of around three or four months. While your baby may look squirmy and uncomfortable when twitching, they may actually be enjoying a nice dream.

What does baby twitching look like? 

Baby sleep twitching looks slightly different from baby to baby. “If your baby is not wrapped up, you may see their arms or legs flail around a bit,” says Dr. Garbi. 

This twitching can seem mildly rhythmic or like a vibration of the limbs, notes Dr. Lovenheim. These benign sleep-twitching episodes typically last from one to 15 minutes. They can look like: 

  • Jerky movements, such as kicking and punching in seemingly random directions or opening their arms wide and then bringing them back in to midline

  • Eyelids move under closed eyes

  • Grunting, peeping, cooing or soft crying sounds

  • Twitching limbs 

  • Outstretched arms with open hands

What causes babies to twitch in their sleep? 

One of the most common reasons babies twitch in their sleep is reflexes. “Babies can twitch because of their newborn reflexes such as the moro reflex or tonic neck reflex,” says Dr. Garbi. There are some other explanations, though:  

It’s part of their development: Babies are born with immature yet rapidly developing neurological systems, and this causes them to twitch or move a lot, explains Dr. Lovenheim.

“Some researchers believe that twitches are part of a developmental process where your baby is learning about their limbs and what they can do,” says Carolynne J. Harvey, a pediatric sleep specialist in Naples, Florida. 

They’re dreaming: Another reason that babies twitch in their sleep is because they’re dreaming. Although it's most common in NREM sleep, it can also occur in active sleep, a.k.a., REM sleep, says Harvey, which is the cycle of sleep where we dream. 

Is there any way to minimize sleep twitching? 

There is no need to minimize sleep twitching in babies, says Dr. Garbi. She says twitching is just a natural physical response as their brain grows, and you can just leave them be.

If your baby is twitching, just keep an eye on them and see how they're reacting to it. And always pause before you intervene. “I always advise parents to watch their babies and wait to see how they react to the twitching,” Dr. Garbi says. “Are they going to wake up fully or are they sleeping and can be left alone? If they look well, have good coloring, the noises or twitching stops and is not prolonged or episodic, this is normal.” 

And while there's no need to interfere with your baby's twitching episodes while they're sleeping, some experts think that swaddling might decrease the moro reflex and lower their chances of twitching at all since they're wrapped up and less able to flail about. It also works out that by the time an infant is ready to transition out of a swaddle, the twitching may stop, too. Around two to four months of age, babies begin producing their own sleep hormones, and the twitching usually stops, says Harvey.

When should I call my doctor about my baby’s twitching? 

As a parent, if you aren't sure what to make of your baby’s twitching or you see something that feels off in your gut, take a video. “We can look at the film together and decide if anything appears abnormal,” Dr. Lovenheim says. "Normal sleep twitching should stop as soon as your child is aroused and awake. If you observe significant twitching when your baby is awake, then it would be worth mentioning that to your pediatrician.” 

If your child isn't eating or feeding well, or they're experiencing poor color or tone (yellowish, bluish, or grayish specifically) in addition to the twitching, it's important your child is seen in the ER or by their pediatrician as soon as possible. 

As far as other serious symptoms to watch out for? Seek emergency healthcare or call 911 if they have: 

  • Abnormal movements that do not stop with arousal

  • Trouble breathing

  • Temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit when less than 12 weeks old

  • Poor feedings and dehydration

In most cases, a little jerkiness while they’re fast asleep can be related to development, dreams or common reflexes. If you're ever concerned, your child's doctor is there to help. “Do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s doctor with any questions or concerns,” says Dr. Lovenheim. “You know your child best, and it is always better to ask.”