After taking birthing and parenting classes during pregnancy, Christa Schiessl says she still wasn't prepared for the reality of breastfeeding her newborn. On top of the challenges faced by many new nursing parents (like plugged ducts and nipple pain), she found herself triple feeding her daughter (where you nurse, pump and then bottle feed the pumped milk). 

"I didn't realize how often the baby had to be fed, and it literally changed the pace of my days," she explains. "It was so very draining on me."

Trying to stay afloat, Christa sought the help of a local lactation consultant who recommended she attend a support group for nursing parents. 

"Hearing other moms tell their stories definitely helped me," she says. "It really impacted my breastfeeding journey."

The majority of new nursing parents say that breastfeeding is harder than they expected, and many who stopped breastfeeding sooner than planned say that having more support would've helped them continue, a 2022 What to Expect survey found. Attending a breastfeeding support group is one way to bridge that gap. 

What are breastfeeding support groups?

Breastfeeding or lactation support groups are groups that meet in-person or virtually to help new parents cope with the challenges of breastfeeding. They're often led by lactation educators, lactation consultants (IBCLCs) and other health care professionals who can offer evidence based-information and practical tips. It's typically free or low-cost to attend.

Many parents turn to breastfeeding support groups for personalized help with concerns like low milk supply, slow newborn weight gain and latch problems. These groups also help moms who are getting the hang of pumping or figuring out how to continue breastfeeding when going back to work. They can offer emotional support and camaraderie too, which is just as significant. 

Benefits of breastfeeding support groups

Many new parents assume that breastfeeding will come naturally and easily. But that idyllic picture doesn't always match up with reality.

Breastfeeding groups are a place to delve into all of that as well as build a support system, says Chrisie Rosenthal, an IBCLC and director of LC Content and Programming with The Lactation Network in Los Angeles, California. 

"Moms can gain new friendships, breastfeeding tips and advice, confirmation that their concerns are typical and will resolve, as well as the opportunity to get out of the house and feel supported, which can be beneficial for mental health," Rosenthal explains.

All of those things can add up to a greater likelihood of meeting your breastfeeding goals. Early nursing experiences play an important role in determining whether a new parent continues breastfeeding, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.[1] If breastfeeding feels too hard or just straight-up impossible, there's a good chance a new parent will throw in the towel. (And who could blame them?)

But connecting with others who are in the same position can help you feel less alone. And when a nursing parent feels like they're supported, they're more likely to want to overcome those obstacles and continue breastfeeding, says the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).[2]

"Many new moms come into a group with that fear of judgment," recalls Erin Michell, a mom who attended a support group at MilkWorks in Omaha, Nebraska. "I remember one of the lactation consultants saying, 'Nobody is questioning you. You're doing great. You're fine!'"

Types of lactation support groups

Hospital-based groups

Many hospitals run breastfeeding support groups for new parents. They're typically run by a lactation educator or an IBCLC. New parents who attend these groups may have given birth at the hospital, but you don't typically need to be a patient (or former patient) to attend. 

Community-based groups

Community groups like MilkWorks, which are also often run by lactation educators or IBCLCs, connect in-person elsewhere. They might meet at a local community center or house of worship, a pregnancy-friendly yoga studio, the local library or even in a park.

Online lactation support communities

Online groups meet virtually on Zoom or other video-chatting platforms. Again, they're typically run by a lactation educator or IBCLC, but the attendees may live in different parts of the country (or the world). Some new parents prefer them because you don't have to worry about timing or transportation, and you can still attend when you or your baby are sick, Rosenthal points out. 

What happens at a lactation support group

The group leader may kick things off by welcoming everyone to the group and sharing some breastfeeding education advice or introducing a specific topic. Parents are generally invited to introduce themselves and talk about how things are going with their breastfeeding journey, but there's no pressure to participate if you don't want to. From there, it's all about sharing experiences and stories. And tears (your baby's or your own) are definitely allowed. 

"My first time, I thought it was going to be this formal thing. But it was very much a 'show up as yourself and stay as long as you can' kind of thing," says Erin.

At many groups, the leader will help you weigh your baby on a scale before and after nursing. This can help you get a sense of how many ounces your little one took in during a feeding, which can be helpful if you're concerned about weight gain or supply issues, Rosenthal explains. But weigh-ins are optional. 

Most lactation support groups are open to anyone. Some ask for advance registration though, so it's a good idea to check ahead about any sign-up requirements. 

"Consider bringing snacks or toys for older babies, and a water bottle for yourself," Rosenthal says. "If the group takes place outdoors or in a park, you might also want to bring a blanket to sit on."

How to find a lactation support group

Ask your hospital or birthing center if they run a group or have recommendations.[3] You can also tap your OB/GYN, midwife or your baby's pediatrician for suggestions. Used a doula or a lactation consultant? They can point you in the right direction and may even have groups of their own. 

You can look online too. La Leche League USA's online database is a good place to start, but even a simple Google search can give you leads for options in your area. 

Whatever group you opt for, consider sticking with one led by an IBCLC or another health professional. Groups with those kinds of leaders tend to provide the most effective support, research shows.[4]