Cloth diapers or disposable diapers? Does the decision make you want to throw in the changing pad? Like almost all parenting choices, the "right one" is ultimately what seems best for your family and your baby.

While some parents swear by cloth diapers — usually for environmental and financial reasons — the majority fall back on the convenience and ease of disposable diapers.

“We don't have many parents in our practice using cloth diapers. Overall, disposable diapers are still used by the majority of parents in the United States," says What to Expect Medical Review Board Member Lauren Crosby, M.D., a board-certified pediatrician in Beverly Hills, California, and a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Still, "each type of diaper has its pros and cons," she adds. 

Read on for more advice, including the pros and cons of each choice, to help you decide between cloth diapers and disposable diapers[1] (or a combination of the two!).

Cloth diapers

Available in cotton, terry cloth or flannel, a cloth baby diaper can come either as prefolded pieces of cloth liners or as an all-in-one (a diaper and cover that looks similar to a disposable diaper).


Here are some of the pros of cloth diapers:

  • Lower total cost. While cloth diapers come with a greater initial investment, they’re a lot cheaper over the long haul than disposables. Heads-up: It will definitely be a long haul before your tot is out of diapers.
  • Less irritation for some babies. Another bonus of using cloth diapers: They may result in fewer diaper rashes. Of course, babies can and do get diaper rashes with any type of diaper, says Gabrina Dixon, M.D., a pediatric hospitalist at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. “Anywhere you have moisture, you can get a rash,” she explains. But because it’s hard to not notice a soppy cloth diaper, you may be naturally more vigilant about regular diaper changes.
  • Bridge to the potty. One final plus: Cloth diapers may make it easier to start potty training. Experts say that the type of diaper you use generally has little — if any — impact on potty training. That said, some kids are very bothered by the feeling of a wet diaper, in which case "it could be more helpful to use cloth diapers," says Dr. Crosby, who is affiliated with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
  • Less trash. Since cloth diapers are reusable, you won't have piles of disposable dirty diapers in the trash, which some believe may be more environmentally friendly (though the cloth variety has its downsides too when it comes to all the water and electricity used to clean them).


As for the cons of cloth diapers? Consider these drawbacks:

  • More diaper changes. The fact that cloth diapers are less absorbent than disposables means you’ll be responsible for more diaper changes.
  • More laundry. That means you’ll be doing more laundry too — probably two to three extra loads per week — which adds up to higher water and electricity bills. 
  • Heavier lifting in terms of cleaning and mess. Cloth diapers can be a bit messier than disposables too and take more work because you have to wash them after every use, although some come with disposable liners that make them easier to clean. When you’re out and about, you’ll also have to carry those poopy (and smelly!) used diapers back home with you.
  • More diaper rash. Though touted as a better type of diaper when it comes to rashes, for some babies, cloth diapers can actually result in more diaper rash (or more severe cases). "Cloth diapers are not as absorbent and may lead to more diaper rash," says Dr. Crosby. That's especially the case "if the diaper is not changed frequently or the baby has very sensitive skin, or if a baby is sleeping long hours and not having frequent diaper changes." 

Disposable diapers

Disposable diapers come in in a variety of sizes, from newborn through the toddler years and beyond, and numerous brands make them.

They run the gamut in terms of ingredients, patterns, designs, look and feel, so you'll have plenty to choose from when you're perusing the baby aisle.


The pros of disposable diapers can seem obvious, but there may be a few you hadn't considered. Here are some of the top benefits of going this route:

  • Convenience. Disposable diapers are convenient to use and a cinch to change, thanks to the strips attached to the back panel that fasten in front. Pick a size based on your baby’s weight and age for best fit.
  • Easier on the go. Going out with baby and traveling are simpler with disposable diapers because you can just toss the dirty diapers without having to cart them back home.
  • Fewer daily diaper changes. You’ll be changing fewer diapers a day[2] since disposable baby diapers are ultra-absorbent, have an inner liner that keeps wetness away from the skin and don’t leak as often. 
  • Easy to find and good for quick changes. You can literally find disposable diapers anywhere from the usual baby and box stores and online sites to airports and drugstores. They're everywhere. And you can change baby into and out of them fast.


Disposables have their downsides too. Here are a few:

  • Ingredients may irritate baby's skin. Although there have been no studies that show that the chemicals (like dioxin), dyes and gels used in disposable diapers cause harm, some parents might be leery of all that stuff next to their baby’s bottom — and some babies can have an allergic reaction to these types of diapers. That, in turn, may mean more diaper rash. Dr. Crosby notes that disposable diapers have been used by countless parents over many years. Still, “there is not enough readily available data on the effects of these substances on a child, including if they are absorbed into the skin, to draw a definitive conclusion,” she says. Some of those chemicals could simply irritate the skin of some babies, she adds. Dr. Dixon notes that disposable diapers are highly regulated, with many brands to choose from. If you’re concerned, you can always check the label and run your options by your child’s doctor. 
  • More expensive. Disposables tend to be more expensive during your kids' diaper stages than cloth because you need to buy more of them.
  • Less durable and sturdy than cloth. If you pull too hard, the tabs on some disposables can easily rip (and inevitably it’ll happen when you’re on the run and have only one diaper left!), so you may waste some without ever even using them.
  • Potty training may take longer. The ultra-absorbency in disposables can also make potty training a little trickier or take a bit longer because disposables can be almost too comfortable for babies and toddlers. Because tots are less likely to feel wet and uncomfortable, they may not have as much desire or interest in saying bye-bye to diapers when the time comes. Ultimately, however, experts say potty training success has little to do with the type of diaper you use but instead hinges on whether your child is ready to ditch diapers. “Potty training is based on developmental age,” says Dr. Dixon.

Are cloth diapers or disposable diapers better for the environment?

The truth is that both cloth and disposable diapers have an effect on the environment. 

Disposable baby diapers account for an estimated 3.5 million tons of landfill waste per year, according to the AAP. While some communities have begun recycling disposable diapers, those that make it to landfills don’t decompose (since very little breaks down in a landfill, biodegradable or not).

Meanwhile, cloth diapers tend to be made of cotton, which uses more water to produce. They also consume more water and produce more waterborne wastes than disposables. 

Ultimately, the jury is still out on whether cloth diapers are superior to disposables, the AAP notes. “There is no definitive answer,” says Dr. Crosby. “I have two sons, and I used disposable diapers. In my training and when my sons were in diapers, I never saw cloth diapers. They were not used as often as they are now.”

If you’re still torn, consider alternating: You might use cloth diapers, say, when you’re home, and disposable diapers when you’re out and about.

No matter what type of diaper you go with, be confident that your decision is based on what works best for your family and lifestyle.

“It really is your choice. Being a parent is hard enough,” says Dr. Dixon.