If there's one thing that newborn babies are known for — besides that famously sweet smell, of course — it's crying. Some babies cry more than others, but all newborns cry, and for good reason. After all, crying is your baby's first and most vital form of communication. The only way he can tell you what he needs and how he's feeling. Now all you have to do is crack the crying code so you can figure out exactly what he's trying to tell you.

There are five basic reasons why babies cry. “I'm hungry” is a short and low pitched cry that rises and falls rhythmically and has a pleading quality to it as in please, please feed me. A hungry cry is usually proceeded by hungry cues, lip smacking, rooting and finger sucking. Catch on to the clues and you may avoid the crying.

“I'm in pain” is a cry that comes on suddenly with wails that are ear piercing, high pitch, loud and long, leaving baby breathless. Each sob will be followed by a pause for baby catches her breath for a bit, saving up for the next round. This is the cry you'll likely hear when babies just had a shot.

“I'm bored” starts as coos as baby tries to get a good interaction going, then turns to fussing, and if baby continues to be ignored, builds to indignant crying, alternating with whimpers as in, come on, what's the guy got to do to get a cuddle around here?

“I'm overtired” or “I'm uncomfortable” is usually a whiny, nasal continuous cry that builds. It's the cry that signals your baby has had it with the status quo and is in need of a nap, a diaper change or a change of venue pronto.

“I'm sick” is often weak and nasal sounding with a lower pitch like baby just doesn't have the energy to pump it up. Look for the other cues that accompany it, like refusing feeds, a fever, diarrhea or listlessness.

Sometimes babies cry for no reason at all, even with all their needs checked and double checked. Maybe a good cry is just a little wailer’s way of unwinding, letting off some steam and overstimulation. If so, you're not alone. In fact, most babies have daily crying sessions of 15 minutes to an hour that can't be easily explained.

Are you crying for help comforting your baby when he cries? Here are a few simple strategies to help with all kinds of crying.

Respond when she cries. Your baby is communicating the only way she knows how for now. Knowing that she's heard will help her feel reassured, secure, and more confident.

Assess the situation. If there's a quick fix, like a diaper change or a nap, go for it. Do a feed check too. Growing up a storm takes eating up a storm. Your baby may be demanding more feeds to make sure supply keeps pace. Feed as he needs and keep an eye on his output to gauge adequate input.

Cocoon your cutie, whether it's snuggling skin to skin, wearing your baby in a sling, or swaddling, feeling snugged will offer comfort. Add some rocking or swaying shall second that motion.

Turn down the volume. Newborns have low thresholds for sensory overload. Sometimes dialing down the stimulation around your baby will help him find his inner calm.

Suspect it's just gas, cut it off at the pass, holding her tummy down across your lap against your shoulder or on your arm, as in the collar hold will help apply just the right amount of pressure.

Colic, really just a catch-all for extreme crying, is loosely based on the rule of threes: at least three hours of crying, at least three days a week, starting at about three weeks, and usually winding down like three months. Much more about that in What to Expect the First Year. But yes, this too shall pass.

Hang in there. Pretty soon your little one will add other forms of communication, like cooing and smiling to his repertoire. In the meantime, just keep the comfort coming. Remember, he's talking to you.