Is your pint-size poop machine outputting more than usual? Is a lot of the mess winding up on her back rather than in her diaper or on the toilet seat instead of in the potty?

Diarrhea in babies and toddlers has a variety of causes, and frequent, watery poops can make your child uncomfortable and cause diaper rash

Diarrhea can also lead to dehydration, which can be harmful to your little one. Monitor your child’s wet diapers or the number of times she pees in the potty. Babies should pee every six to 12 hours and toddlers should pee at least a couple times a day.

That’s why running the runs out of town is important — and knowing what’s causing diarrhea in your baby or toddler can get you closer to curing her. See if these symptoms match up with what your sweetie’s experiencing, and then check with your pediatrician for an official diagnosis and get-well plan.

What causes diarrhea in babies and toddlers?

Does loose stool mean that your little one is sick? Sometimes, but not always. Runny poop can be caused by lots of things, and determining the culprit can be key to helping your child feel better. Here are some of the most common causes of diarrhea in babies and toddlers:

Viral infections

Stomach viruses like rotavirus (which your child will be or has already been vaccinated against) and other viruses like noroviruses are the most common cause of severe diarrhea in little kids. Even regular cold viruses can cause diarrhea. 

In addition to loose stools that can last for three to eight days, other symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, dehydration and vomiting.

Enteroviruses like hand, foot and mouth disease can cause diarrhea too. They often strike during the warmer months, last for three or more days, and come with a rash and some flu-like symptoms.

Antibiotic use

A round of antibiotics can disrupt the balance of bacteria in your baby or toddler’s gut, triggering diarrhea. If you're breastfeeding, any antibiotics you're taking could give your little one diarrhea too.

Bacterial infections

Infections from bacteria like salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter or shigella can trigger a bout of food poisoning. They usually cause diarrhea and vomiting within a few hours to one to two days of eating contaminated food.

Dietary changes

Specifically, some extra fruits and vegetables and other additional sources of fiber in her diet can lead to looser poops but no other symptoms.

Too much juice

In too-high quantities, the sugars in fruit juices can loosen your child’s stool. (In fact, they’re actually a tried-and-true way to treat constipation.) 

If and when you serve juice, stick with 100 percent fruit juice options, and limit your toddler’s intake to no more than 4 ounces a day, diluted with equal parts water (so 2 ounces of juice mixed with 2 ounces of water, for example). Babies under 1 shouldn’t have juice at all.[1]

Food allergies

Both true food allergies like milk allergies, along with lactose intolerance (which isn’t technically an allergy) can potentially cause diarrhea and vomiting.


Even though many doctors and dentists don’t believe that teething causes diarrhea in babies and toddlers, some moms swear teething is accompanied by loose stools, possibly caused by your little one swallowing all that excess drool.

What does diarrhea in babies and toddlers look like? 

When it comes to the world of baby poop, there’s certainly a wide range of what counts as normal — including stools that are loose or come in different colors other than brown.

You’re likely dealing with diarrhea if the stools are much looser or more watery compared to your child’s typical BMs. The diarrhea might also have a green or light yellow tinge to it or be streaked with mucus.

The number of times per day your child is pooping is also important. One loose stool might not be a cause for concern, but if your child is pooping more frequently and the stool is looser, it could signal that something is going on.

Baby diarrhea effects

The biggest possible concern that accompanies baby diarrhea and toddler diarrhea is dehydration, especially if it lasts for longer than a day.[2]

Having lots of very loose stool puts little ones at risk for losing a significant amount of fluids, along with salts and other electrolytes, and that can be dangerous.

How do you treat diarrhea in babies and toddlers?

Diarrhea will usually ease up on its own within a few days. In the meantime, your priority is helping your child stay hydrated and offering foods that will be gentle on her stomach, if she has an appetite. If your little one isn’t vomiting or showing signs of dehydration, it’s fine to let her eat and drink as normal.  

Check with your pediatrician about what to give your toddler for diarrhea and baby diarrhea treatments. Here are some things you can do for baby or toddler diarrhea:

Offer liquids with electrolytes

Over-the-counter pediatric electrolyte solutions like Pedialyte are a better choice than plain water if you suspect that your little one is becoming dehydrated, since they deliver important minerals like sodium and potassium. 

Give the solution to your child as is — don't mix it with formula or juice — and toss unused liquid within 48 hours of opening. And steer clear of sports drinks: They’re high in sugar, which could make the diarrhea worse.

Try to encourage your toddler to drink a few ounces every 15 to 30 minutes if she can hold it down. Babies need less — around 2 tablespoons every 30 to 60 minutes. If you’re unsure about dosing, call the pediatrician.

Keep breastfeeding or offering formula for babies

Both provide nourishment and hydration, and breast milk could actually help your baby get better a little faster.

Don’t water down the formula. Just as when your baby is healthy, it’s fine to breastfeed on demand. But if your formula-fed baby seems thirsty in between feedings, ask the doctor about offering Pedialyte. 

Stick with bland foods in smaller, more frequent portions

For older babies and toddlers, options like bananas, plain pasta, toast, rice cereal or plain crackers are both easy on the stomach and have a binding effect.

If she has a bigger appetite, try things like skinless plain baked chicken or turkey, baked potatoes or plain pancakes without syrup.

Dealing with diarrhea from antibiotics? Plain probiotic yogurt (with no added sugar) containing active, live cultures can ease your child’s symptoms by getting more good bacteria into her gut, research shows.[3]

Avoid foods that might make the diarrhea worse

Fruit juices, cow’s milk, sugary treats, processed or fast foods and fried or fatty foods (among others) can irritate sensitive tummies and make diarrhea worse. Keep them off the menu until your sweetie’s stomach is back to normal.  

Watch for diaper rash

Lots of wet poops can irritate your little one’s skin. Change her diaper frequently, clean her bottom with plain water instead of baby wipes and try to let her backside air-dry when possible before putting a fresh diaper on.

You can slather on diaper cream when you notice redness, or start using it preventively. And wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap after you change her diaper.

Don’t give anti-diarrhea meds

The bismuth, magnesium and aluminum in OTC diarrhea treatments can be harmful for babies and toddlers. Never give your young child anti-diarrhea medication unless the pediatrician tells you to do so.

When should you take your child to the doctor for diarrhea?

A single bout or two of diarrhea probably isn’t cause for concern — so when is it time to worry?

  • Since fluid loss is the main concern with loose stools, you should call the pediatrician if you notice your baby is showing signs of dehydration or you see dehydration symptoms in your toddler, including the following:
  • Fewer than four wet diapers in 24 hours in babies, or peeing less often in toddlers
  • Urine that looks darker or more concentrated than usual
  • Dry or cracked lips or dry mouth
  • Tearless crying
  • Listlessness or being less active than usual
  • In babies, sunken eyes
  • In babies, a sunken soft spot (fontanelle) on the top of the head 
  • In babies, skin that seems dry or slack, or in toddlers, skin that seems flushed (or in more serious cases, unusual coolness of hands or feet, and wrinkled skin)

There are also other instances that warrant a call to the doctor, even if your child doesn’t seem dehydrated. Check in with the pediatrician if the diarrhea is accompanied by a fever higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, if the stools are black or bloody or if your little one seems crankier or more irritable than usual.

That said, always go with your gut (so to speak!). If you have any questions or concerns about your toddler or baby's diarrhea — even if she doesn’t seem dehydrated and is drinking or eating normally — it’s always worth calling the doctor to get advice and give you peace of mind.