Traditionally, postpartum women are told to continue to take their prenatal vitamins throughout breastfeeding, but now postnatal vitamins are on the market, too. If it took you months into pregnancy to land on a prenatal vitamin you could actually stomach, it could feel overwhelming to start over with postnatals. But is there really that much of a nutritional difference between prenatal and postnatal vitamins?

The answer: Yes, there are differences.“Sometimes the differences are exaggerated through marketing and the actual doses of nutrients are not significantly different; however, some brands do create different vitamin formulas for those stages emphasizing different nutrients and/or different doses,” says registered dietician and nutritionist Alexandra Paetow, a member of the What to Expect Medical Review Board. The main thing to know is that taking some sort of multivitamin in the postpartum is essential, but what that is exactly like will depend on what nutrients your doctor says you need — and what type of vitamin you prefer. 

What is the difference between prenatal and postnatal vitamins?

The roles of these vitamins are pretty self-explanatory: prenatal vitamins are optimized to be taken during pregnancy, while postnatal vitamins are meant for the fourth trimester. 

A prenatal vitamin contains a blend of vitamins and minerals targeted for anyone trying to conceive or anyone who is pregnant, explains Paetow. This includes folic acid, choline, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and iron, especially. "The goal of a prenatal vitamin is to ensure that the mother is receiving all of the nutrients required to promote optimal fetal development and maintain optimal health for the mother during this life stage,” she adds. 

The purpose of a postnatal vitamin is to supply postpartum women with the optimal support they need during those first few months after giving birth. “After pregnancy and childbirth, a mother's nutrient reserve can be depleted,” says Paetow. “Taking a supplement can help to rebuild her nutrient stores and continue to support nutrient-intensive phases such as postpartum healing (wound healing from C-sections or vaginal deliveries), breastfeeding and caring for an infant.”

Historically, most doctors recommend continuing to take your prenatal vitamin into the postpartum and breastfeeding period. “This approach ensures continuity and reliability in the vitamins you're relying on throughout your pregnancy journey,” says OB/GYN Daryl Martin, M.D., FACOG. 

There’s no black-and-white answer that all experts agree on when it comes to whether you should switch to a postnatal vitamin or continue to take a prenatal one during this time — likely because postnatal vitamins are a relatively new supplements category. 

What to look for in prenatal or postnatal vitamins

What to look for in prenatals

The most important thing to look for in a prenatal is hands down folic acid. That's because it helps your baby grow and develop properly, and helps prevent neural tube defects. Other important nutrients to look for:

  • Choline: This is another nutrient that can help with the baby’s cognitive and neural tube development.  

  • Omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA & EPA: In addition to helping with the fetus’s cognitive development, these nutrients may also be helpful for the mother’s mental health, Paetow points out.

  • Vitamin D: We all know vitamin D helps build strong bones and teeth, but it has additional benefits, according to Paetow, including helping to build the baby’s immune system. It may also help lower rates of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and preterm birth according to some studies, she adds. Not to mention, most of us are deficient in vitamin D, pregnant or not!

  • Iron: This mineral helps your body produce more blood and ensures oxygen is making its way to your baby. For pregnant women, it can also help treat pregnancy anemia.

What to look for in postnatals 

Most of the nutrients in prenatal vitamins continue to be relevant in postpartum. Some women may not need as much iron or folic acid as they did during pregnancy, but if you continue receiving high amounts of these nutrients through your supplement, you'll likely just filter out the extra in your urine. These are the top vitamins and minerals you'll need postpartum, according to Paetow:

  • Vitamin D: This power worker helps keep the immune system strong. Plus, it may be linked to a decreased postpartum depression risk, notes Paetow. 

  • DHA & EPA: These help with mothers’ mental health and cognitive function, while continuing to support infants’ development in breastfeeding. “A separate supplement may be required to meet these needs,” Paetow notes.

  • Zinc: This mineral plays an important role in wound healing post-childbirth and supporting the immune system.

  • Iron: This nutrient helps support depleted blood loss after childbirth. 

When it comes to any supplementation — prenatal, postnatal, or in life — the best practice is to consult with a trusted healthcare professional. Get bloodwork done, consider any deficiencies and buy supplements from trusted sources like your local drug store — or reputable websites. The National Institutes of Health's website has a great resource to help you get familiar with the different vitamins you may need over time as well.

During pregnancy, you may need more of certain nutrients than others if you have a certain vitamin deficiency. For example, some women will need extra iron if their levels are low or they are prone to anemia, says Dr. Martin. It's a good idea to get your levels checked before becoming pregnant if you can.

You can also always check ACOG's website to see their detailed list of vitamins and minerals to focus on during pregnancy, how many milligrams you need of each and the best food sources to get them, too. The National Institutes of Health's website has a great resource to help you get familiar with the different vitamins you may need over time, as well.

When should you make the switch from prenatals to postnatals? 

All healthcare professionals agree that postpartum women should continue to take some sort of supplement, but there’s no clear guidance if — let alone — when to switch from prenatal to postnatal.

If you do decide to switch from prenatals to postnatals, you can likely do so immediately after birth, says Mastaneh Sharafi, PhD., R.D., who's a registered dietician in California “Unless your health care provider recommends otherwise,” she adds.

The biggest factor to consider is the formula of the vitamin, advises Paetow. “Some prenatal vitamins are comprehensive and designed to be continued into the postpartum phase,” she says. “I tend to prefer comprehensive prenatal vitamins that someone can continue throughout preconception, prenatal and postpartum phases with occasional additional supplements added on (or dietary tweaks) to meet their adjusting needs.”

The best plan is to find a vitamin you’d like to take postpartum — be it a prenatal or a postnatal — and discuss it with your healthcare provider. “Your provider will base the decision on supplement selection on your current diet, labs and overall medical history,” Paetow adds. The most important thing to remember is that you need to take something

When to stop taking postnatal vitamins 

Most women can stop taking either prenatal or postnatal vitamins when they are six months post-birth or no longer breastfeeding and lactating. Then, they should switch to a regular multivitamin.

Still, it varies by the individual. “If someone has a nutrient deficiency (anemia, low Vitamin D) they should continue supplementing with their multivitamin if it contains adequate dosing of that nutrient or a standalone nutrient supplement,” says Paetow. “If they are planning to become pregnant again in the near future, switching to a prenatal would be recommended three-to-six months prior to conception.”