"I struggled with anorexia as a teen but have managed to get my eating disorders under control. Now I'm trying to get pregnant, but I'm not having any luck. Is there a link between eating disorders and infertility?"

First of all, props to you for getting your eating disorders under control. That’s a major accomplishment — it takes a lot of stamina, courage and willpower to fight and conquer an eating disorder, and you’ve won a big battle.

But the even better news is that your prognosis for pregnancy is promising, even if it seems to be taking its sweet time to happen. By putting your condition behind you, you’re one step closer to priming your body for a healthy pregnancy.

You’d be facing a far less optimistic prognosis if you hadn’t conquered it, since there is a link between eating disorders and infertility. In fact, fertility problems are a common side effect of eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating or any other type of obsessive or compulsive eating pattern. Case in point: Some studies show that about one out of five women who seek treatment for infertility have suffered from an eating disorder.

What’s the connection between eating disorders and infertility? Anorexia, bulimia and binge eating can cause unhealthy weight, poor nutrition and very low levels of body fat. This affects a woman’s endocrine system (responsible for producing reproductive and growth hormones), which in turn disrupts ovulation and can result in irregular menstrual cycles (or stop periods completely) and reduce the quality of eggs. It can even lead to ovarian failure, which is a condition that mimics menopause in women under 40.

All of these factors can decrease your chances of conception — and even increase the risk of miscarriage once you do become pregnant.

Keep in mind, even women with an eating disorder who do maintain a relatively normal weight can have fertility issues, as can women who eat normally but exercise excessively.

People with eating disorders are more likely to struggle with stress, anxiety and depression, all of which can increase your risk for unhealthy behaviors (like smoking, excessive drinking or more disordered eating) and put a damper on your pregnancy plans.

The good news for you: Plenty of women go on to conceive after being successfully treated for an eating disorder. But be honest with your doctor about your past — and any leftover issues about eating (even if they seem insignificant now). Your practitioner may steer you toward a support group or more therapy that can help you weather the tough time you’re having trying to conceive.

And because some research shows a connection between eating disorders and infertility even years after getting treatment, you may want to go to a fertility specialist and make sure everything is in working order, especially if you don’t conceive after 12 months of trying.

When you do get pregnant, remember to eat a nutritious, well-balanced pregnancy diet, take your prenatal vitamins and drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. This will help ensure that you and your baby-to-be stay healthy!

Here’s to a healthy road to conception and pregnancy!

Heidi Murkoff