You knew feeding your toddler would be messy. But you probably weren’t expecting to see your toddler throwing food 10 seconds after you’ve served her. And yet here you are — your little one has turned mealtime into playtime, and after a few slurps of spaghetti or sips of milk, she tosses her bowl or empties her cup with glee. ("Hey, gravity works! Let's do it again!")

So what gives? Well, your tot could be throwing food for a number of reasons, from boredom to who-knows-why-toddlers-do-what-they-do. Read on to find out why your little one might be more interested in tossing food than eating it — and ways to channel that behavior so mealtimes get a little less chaotic.

Why is my toddler throwing food on the floor during mealtimes?

You've seen it play out time and time again: You put food on your tot's high chair tray or child-size plate at the table, she takes some in her little fist, and suddenly she's winding up and hurling said food onto the floor rather than putting it into her mouth. But the question is, why is your toddler throwing food on the floor?

The answer? It's complicated. Here are some reasons behind the toddler food throwing habit.

Your child is experimenting

It may be maddening to watch food fly (and even more frustrating to have to clean up for the umpteenth time), but your toddler isn’t misbehaving on purpose. She’s just discovered how cool it is to watch what happens when she throws food clear across the kitchen.

In the process, your budding scientist is busy learning about cause and effect and gravity. After all, she has to see if the same thing happens every time — do chicken strips drop faster than toast? 

It’s fun

It’s normal for babies and toddlers to play with their food. Mashing and smearing it, and yes, finally flinging it, is how your tot learns about different textures and types of food. It can be even more fun than playing with Play-Doh! 

Your toddler is bored, done eating or unhappy with what's on the menu

Toddler food throwing could be the only way your little one knows how to let you know she’s done eating, isn’t hungry or just doesn’t like what you served up. 

Your child wants your attention

What better way to get a reaction than flinging the contents of her bowl all over the wall? You’ll either laugh (in despair) or get annoyed and frustrated. Either way, you reward the behavior, even if all she gets is negative attention.

Your toddler is pitching in by feeding your pets

Your pup (or kitty) knows that sticking close to your tot at mealtimes pays off. And your child is eager to show off her sharing and helping skills — at least with those four-legged sibs.

Your toddler has no impulse control

Toddlers, especially early in their second year, have a hard time regulating their desire to touch, poke, grab and throw everything in sight. That's because children this young have no impulse control. But you can take precautions to minimize hands-on behavior (and its effect) during meals.

How to prevent toddler food throwing

It isn't enough to understand why your toddler delights in tossing her breakfast, lunch and dinner over the edge of the high chair or table. What can you do about it? Here are some ways you might be able to prevent toddler food throwing.

  • Divide and conquer. The more food there is on her plate, the more your toddler may be tempted to play with it. So put only a few bites' worth in front of your child, doling out a bit more when she finishes what’s in front of her. Toddlers don’t really need big portions, especially when you’re serving them new foods.
  • Give your child something to do. Let your tot practice using a spoon or fork (yes, it can be messy but not as messy as an overturned bowl). That might give her a sense of control at mealtimes too.
  • Play some games that encourage eating as opposed to food-tossing. ("Let's pretend we're hungry giants. How many broccoli trees can you eat?")
  • Keep pets out of the kitchen or dining room during meals. If you put away your childproofing baby gates, get them out again to keep pets away. They work!
  • Sit with your child. If your toddler is throwing food to try to get your attention, then eating together or at least sitting beside her and talking as she eats will probably help. Just keep the focus on being together rather than what your little one is doing with the food.
  • Teach her to sign or give a hand signal when she’s done eating. If you teach her baby sign language while she’s at the table, it’s another way to focus her attention on something other than flinging her food.
  • Set clear expectations. By the time your child is 18 to 24 months old, you can expect some compliance with rules, notes the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). You can simply state your rule, “Food stays on the table (or tray).” And if your toddler continues to throw food on the floor, just say, “I see you’re all done,” and finish the meal.
  • Keep your cool. Praise your tot when she refrains from using her throwing arm and make minimum fuss when she causes a mess (you don't want to reward the behavior with attention). And, yes, it’s easier said than done!
  • Practice damage control. Spread newspaper or plastic mat under your child's high chair to make clean-up easier when she's done, and place her away from walls and curtains. When it's chow time, protect her clothing by rolling up sleeves and covering her with a large bib. You can also try using a bowl that attaches to the table or try a plate with suction cups to make it harder for her to overturn it. Your curious little explorer may find a way to un-suction them, though!
  • Keep mealtimes short … Toddlers have tiny attention spans, so if boredom is behind your toddler’s food-throwing ways, shorten the time at the table. Your tot may not have enough staying power to eat for more than 10 or 15 minutes, and that’s okay.
  • … And reliable. A regular mealtime routine is the best way to ensure your tot is coming to the table hungry enough to eat. You don’t want her to starve before dinner, but keep the snacking to a minimum so she’s interested in the food in front of her. 
  • Get your toddler’s energy out before mealtimes. Practice throwing a ball before dinner instead of throwing food during it. Dance before breakfast or let your tot take a few turns around the room with push and pull toys. Or give your little one a variety of plastic containers at bathtime to fill with water. Supplying nonfood ways to satisfy your child’s curiosity about cause and effect may cut down on messy experiments at mealtime.