You can thank the arsenal of cognitive, emotional and language skills your baby or toddler develops during the early years for her rapid advancement. But her physical feats are equally exciting, and these take advantage of her gross motor skills.

Your child’s gross (or large) motor skills power her biggest physical development milestones, which start with lifting her head and rolling over, then crawling, cruising, and eventually walking and running.

Here’s more about the difference between gross and fine motor skills, which skills you can expect to develop at each age and tips to help your child strengthen these large muscles.

What are gross motor skills?

Gross motor skills, which are also referred to as large motor skills, are movements that use the bigger muscles of your child’s body.

Gross motor skills require the large muscles, like those in her torso, legs and arms, to work in concert so your tot can crawl, pull herself up and toddle along. Eventually, her gross motor skills will allow her to run, skip, climb and jump.

What is the difference between fine and gross motor skills?

When you consider the difference between gross and fine motor skills, think in terms of size.

  • Gross motor skills involve the large muscles of your child's body, such as the torso, legs and arms.
  • Fine motor skills are at the opposite end of the spectrum and involve the smaller muscles of the hands and fingers. Your baby will practice fine motor skills by grabbing and perfecting the pincer grasp — and eventually she’ll use them to feed and dress herself.

How do gross motor skills develop?

Each gross motor skill your child practices and then masters will help her build on the next one as she grows. Here’s a breakdown of the feats you’ll spy and the age ranges when they occur.

  • 0 to 3 months: Early on, your baby learns to lift her head up when she's on her tummy. She also starts to kick her feet when she’s on her back, and makes increasingly smoother movements with her limbs.
  • 4 to 7 months: During this timeframe, watch for your infant to roll both wayssit with help (and later without support) and bear weight on her legs while you hold her up.
  • 8 to 12 months: Your baby will learn how to push to a seated and crawling position without help and may crawl. By the 12-month mark, she'll pull up to stand and "cruise" while holding onto furniture. She may also stand for a second or two on her own and even take a couple of steps without support.
  • 1 to 2 years old: A newly minted toddler may creep and crawl very quickly now, though standing and walking are the major gross motor skills at this age. By 18 months, your tot is likely walking alone, running and pulling toys, and by age 2, she's running and jumping.
  • 2 to 3 years old: Leaping and jumping with more air are next up, along with throwing a ball overhand and kicking one, too.

How can you encourage gross motor skills?

Playtime is the best time to promote gross motor skills in your baby or toddler. Here are some ideas that will encourage her to use her big muscles: 

  • Try tummy time. You can start tummy time with your newborn from the day you come home from the hospital. Set baby on her belly to prompt her to lift her head and chest.
  • Place toys out of reach. As your baby learns to lift her head, arrange enticing toys just outside her range to promote reaching.
  • Support her seat. Gently pull your baby to a seated position by her arms or lift her belly to a crawling position — soon she’ll get the idea and practice it herself.
  • Prop with pillows. A soft nest of pillows helps your little one feel supported as she learns to sit. Keep an eye on her, and make sure to pick her up if she dozes off.
  • Offer push toys. As your older infant or toddler starts to stand and cruise, try a kiddie shopping cart or a wagon to push.
  • Kick and throw balls. Hit the backyard or nearest playground often with your toddler and roll, throw and kick balls of every size.
  • Head outside. Make physical activity a daily event for toddlers, whether it’s walking in the park, climbing at the playground or scooping and dumping sand in the sandbox.

What are signs of delays in developing gross motor skills?

Occasionally, a baby or toddler may exhibit signs of a gross motor skill delay, such not rolling over or sitting up during the typical age range. Your child's doctor will ask about each physical milestone at well visits, but be sure to point out any you notice.

Always discuss any concerns you have with your child's pediatrician. In particular, talk to the doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • By 12 months: Your child doesn't crawl, can't stand with support or loses skills she previously mastered.
  • By 18 months: Your child can't walk or loses skills she previously had mastered.

When your child masters gross motor skills, the world is her oyster! But before she does a deep dive off the couch, be sure to safeguard her surroundings. Corner protectors on coffee tables, gates that block the stairs and outlet covers will protect your little explorer, allowing her to roam safely and practice her physical tricks.