As soon as you got pregnant, you likely started Googling the foods you shouldn't eat during pregnancy — and probably found at least a few favorites on the list (no more sushi! goodbye. favorite stinky cheese!). There's no doubt that sticking to your pregnancy diet can be even trickier during the feast-heavy holidays.

But while missing out on holiday food might not be especially fun, it's for good reason: Your immune system isn't as strong as usual right now and your baby's is barely developed, which means both of you are more susceptible to the bacteria that are in some undercooked or raw foods. 

Fortunately, there are lots of safe and yummy alternatives to traditional dishes that are okay for pregnant women to eat. Here are a few holiday foods to avoid during pregnancy, along with suggestions of what you can eat instead.

Homemade eggnog

Even if the nog isn't spiked with rum or whiskey, it can still be a holiday no-no. That's because homemade eggnog is often made with raw or undercooked eggs that may contain salmonella bacteria

The good news: Commercially-manufactured eggnog (the kind you get premixed in cartons) is safe, since it's made with pasteurized eggs, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Wondering if just a cocktail here or there could do any harm? Health experts including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) say no amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy.

For a festive and refreshing holiday party drink, mix up a mocktail. Combine cranberry juice with sparkling water, garnish with a sprig of mint and serve in a cocktail glass.

Apple cider

Another classic holiday beverage to stay away from: fresh apple cider. Bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella can be present in unpasteurized juices, so avoid "homemade" ciders like the ones found at apple orchards, fruit stands and farmers markets — unless, of course, the juice is pasteurized.

For a sweet and safe alternative in the same spirit, sprinkle a little cinnamon, allspice and sugar on fresh apple slices.


Your holiday bird is safe to eat — as long as it's cooked through. To zap bacteria and parasites like E. coli, trichinella and toxoplasmosis, roast your turkey until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Always use a meat thermometer to check because you can't tell just by looking whether or not it's been fully cooked.

The same goes for any meat that's been grilled — those grill marks don't necessarily mean the food is heated to the appropriate temperature. Digital thermometers give an instant, accurate reading.


This classic, slow-cooked Hanukkah dish is also safe as long as it reaches an internal temperature of 160 degrees F to kill off any bacteria.


Ask your host if the stuffing was prepared inside or outside of the turkey. If it was inside, again make sure it reaches 165 degrees F.

Also note that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says it's safest to avoid pre-stuffed turkeys. Stuffing that's prepared separately from the bird is okay too.

Soft cheeses

Imported soft cheeses — think Brie, Camembert, feta and blue cheese — are staples of the holiday food buffets. But unless you saw the packaging and read the word "pasteurized" on it, there's no guarantee these cheeses aren't made with raw milk, which may contain listeria, disease-causing bacteria that can be problematic for pregnant women.

Listeria contamination is rare, but expectant mothers are more than 10 times more likely to develop an infection from it.[1] Hard cheeses are okay, though, so feel free to top your cracker with Gouda, cheddar or Parmesan.

What about eating spicy cheese dips and other hot foods while pregnant? Go ahead and take a dip. There's no evidence indicating that hot or spicy foods will induce labor.


Raw seafood — like oysters, ceviche, smoked salmon and sushi — should be off-limits during pregnancy since they can contain listeria and other bacteria. Same goes for undercooked fish, which could also be harboring parasites. 

As for cooked seafood, it's a good idea to stick to the low-mercury varieties like crab, shrimp, wild salmon and lobster. Aim for about two to three servings of this seafood per week to support you and your baby's brain health, among other benefits.[2]


Thinking of an after-dinner espresso? You might want to make it a decaf. While it's okay to consume up to 200 milligrams of caffeine daily during pregnancy (about the equivalent of a 12-ounce cup of coffee), some doctors are more cautious and suggest even less, like under 150 milligrams daily, so check with your practitioner to be sure.

Caffeine can be found in more foods than coffee and tea, including chocolate and chocolate-flavored foods like ice cream, candy and hot cocoa — all holiday food favorites.


The salami and pâté at the center of the buffet table can look tempting, but you should skip preserved meats for the time being. Nitrates and nitrites — chemicals used to preserve their shelf life — can negatively affect a developing baby, and these types of meat may also pose a listeria risk.

Stick to the other apps — crostini, anyone? — instead.


The USDA recommends avoiding all foods that have been left out at room temperature for more than two hours, as many holiday party foods are.[3] So make sure someone gets those leftovers in the fridge before you sit down to watch the game.