A car seat can be life-saving in the event of a crash, but it’s essential that your little one is strapped in the right way. If you're like most new parents, you might feel a little intimidated when it's time to leave the hospital with your newborn and place her in her infant car seat for the very first time.

Here, we’re going to walk you through the steps to safely buckle your newborn into a rear-facing infant car seat.

What to do before placing your newborn in a car seat

Before you even put your newborn in her car seat, do a quick safety check to review the following:

  • Make sure your car seat is positioned correctly. Infants should be in the back seat and rear-facing until they outgrow the height or weight limits of their seat.
  • Read the manual. Review your car seat manual and your vehicle’s owner’s manual to make sure you’ve installed the car seat correctly and the base is secure.
  • Check the indicator. You should also check the installation indicator to make sure it’s at the right angle for your baby's weight, age and developmental stage.
  • Review your car seat’s height and weight requirements. If your child does not meet the minimum height and weight, do not use the seat.
  • Do the wiggle test. To check for a secure installation, grab the car seat at the belt path with your non-dominant hand. Wiggle it front to back and side to side with the force of a handshake. It shouldn’t move more than 1 inch in any direction. Car seat installations can get loose over time, so it's smart to do this test frequently.

Finally, make sure your child is dressed safely — this means your baby should not be wearing any bulky coats or blankets, which could prevent a safe fit.

Steps to buckle a newborn in a car seat

Once you’ve confirmed that the car seat was installed correctly and is secure, place your child in the seat and follow the below steps to buckle her in properly.

  1. Gently place your baby’s arms and shoulders through the harness straps.
  2. Buckle the crotch buckle and chest clip. Make sure you always fully attach both the crotch buckle and the chest clip. Never leave one undone!
  3. Check the harness straps to make sure they’re lying flat. They should never be twisted. Tighten the harness straps until they fit comfortably. A snug fit is important, as this will keep your little one secure in the event of a crash. Also important? The straps should be equally snug on both sides. You’ll know they’re tight enough when you can’t pinch any excess fabric along your baby’s shoulder. 
  4. Check the car seat buckle. Is there a gap between the buckle and your baby’s groin? If so, check your manual. Some seats have multiple positions for the crotch buckle, or may allow you to use a rolled up washcloth to fill this space. 
  5. Check the position of the chest clip. It should sit right at the level of your baby’s armpits. You’ll want to check this last, since it can move around while you’re tightening the straps!

Finally, if you're not sure whether you've installed your car seat correctly or want someone to double check your buckling-in technique, check with your local police or fire station, baby store or car dealership (most will do a safety check for you for free); find a car seat inspection station near you through the NHTSA directory or call 866-SEAT-CHECK; or search for a certified car seat safety technician through the National Child Passenger Safety Certification Program.