Seasoned parents know: There are few things that’ll turn your stomach like a car seat full of vomit. But it’s not just a case of car sickness that can wreak havoc on your child’s car seat — imagine a diaper blowout in a snug seat. Car seats see it all, but — unfortunately for parents everywhere — they can be quite the puzzle to clean. 

Even worse: It’s a puzzle that’s vital to solve correctly. How you clean your child's car seat can affect the efficacy and safety of the model if not done properly, particularly since washing certain parts improperly can lead to damage or degradation. Here's everything you need to know about easily (and, most importantly, safely) cleaning your child's car seat.

Keeping safety in mind when cleaning a car seat

If you’re thinking about cleaning a car seat, chances are you already know how important car seat safety is. Since all car seats sold in the U.S. must meet federal safety and crash standards, the bigger concern is user error. More than 50 percent of car seats are installed incorrectly. But improper installation can render the safety seats ineffective in the event of a crash. 

Similarly, it’s imperative that parents follow any general and product-specific height and weight guidelines issued by both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the manufacturer, respectively. 

And, if your car is ever in a crash, you must replace the entire seat. Consider its job done, and purchase another. 

With so many basic safety concerns, you can begin to see why proper cleaning is so important. Using the wrong products, machine-washing certain parts, or reassembling the car seat incorrectly are all mistakes that could leave you with a very ineffective safety seat on your hands — a huge liability in the event of a crash.

How to clean a car a car seat

It cannot be repeated enough: Your number one resource should be the manual that came with your car seat. While the steps below are general guidelines for cleaning a car seat, the only way you can be 100 percent sure you’re safely cleaning your child’s seat is by following the very specific manufacturer’s instructions. Always defer to those instructions. 

  1. Clean ASAP. As with most stains, the faster you get to work, the better chance you have at nixing the mess for good.
  2. Assemble your supplies. Once you’re ready to get started, gather the essentials: the seat, a bucket of fresh tap water, a bottle of gentle soap, baby wipes and clean rags. (Note: While it might be tempting to give it a good spray with the hose, this is not recommended, as the power of the water can damage the seat.) 
  3. Vacuum or use baby wipes to remove anything gross. If you’re simply giving the car seat a tuneup, you can get out the vacuum and suck up these bits; if you’re removing vomit or fecal matter, use wipes to remove the offending substance. (Just resist the urge to rub or scrub, which can also damage your seat.) 
  4. Wipe the harness and buckle. Typically, soaking the harness in any water is not recommended. Instead, spot clean the harness and crotch buckle with mild soap and water. (Note: In some cases, you can soak the crotch buckle, you just have to be careful not to submerge the webbing attached to it. Check your manual.) 
  5. Lay it in the sun to dry. The sun should not only dry your seat and its harness, but also help tackle any lingering odors and stains. 

Types of cleaning products that should not be used on car seats

Before you plot your plan of attack, know that it’s important to be selective about products. Exactly what you can — and cannot — use varies from manufacturer to manufacturer (and even seat to seat), but in general, gentle cleaning is recommended.

That means — unless otherwise stated in the seat’s manual — you should stick with gentle soap and water, and steer clear of harsh cleaners, especially the following:

  • Bleach, which can weaken plastic
  • Vinegar, which has a high pH that can degrade materials
  • Lysol, Febreeze or other commercial cleaning products, which can cause deterioration or damage
  • Steel wool or rough sponges, which can erode the fibers and weaken the restraint of the harness

As parents, we love the convenience of machine-washable clothing and products, but you should also avoid the washing machine — especially for the harness and buckle. (In some cases, the seat padding may be machine-washable, but it’s usually not dryer-safe.) 

Tips for cleaning your child’s car seat

Worried about cleaning your child’s car seat the right way, or struggling to get the job done? Try these smart tips: 

  • Get into crevices. A clean toothbrush or cotton swab can be key for getting into all of those crevices without compromising the safety of your seat. 
  • Watch videos. Instructional videos can be incredibly helpful — just be sure you’re watching one that’s directly from the manufacturer — or, at the very least, a CPST — to ensure it’s correct. 
  • Document the process. While disassembling the car seat, it can be helpful to take step-by-step photos you can refer back to when in the process of putting it all back together. (Especially if your manufacturer doesn’t offer their own instructional video.) 
  • Call or email the manufacturer. If you have time to spare, you can also try contacting the car seat manufacturer. They are the authority on that particular seat, and as such, they’re the best resource for any questions related to it. 
  • Look into replacement covers. When all else fails, and you’ve got a cleaning job that’s no match for gentle soap and water, see if your manufacturer offers a replacement cover. Since the frame is still salvageable, this is a much more cost-effective solution than replacing the whole thing.

Cleaning a car seat may be quite the endeavor, but it’s one that’s well worth the patience and care to ensure the safest ride for your little one.