Discomfort while urinating can be par for the course as your body recovers from giving birth — whether you delivered vaginally or via C-section. But intense pain that doesn’t ease up could be a sign of a postpartum urinary tract infection (UTI).

Postpartum UTIs aren’t uncommon. And though they’re never fun, they’re typically easy to treat if you know what to look for.

What causes urination pain postpartum?

Labor and delivery took a toll on your body, and your bladder is no exception.

Pressure from your baby's exit may have damaged your bladder (leading to temporary paralysis), or anesthesia (if you had any) may have decreased its sensitivity. Swelling and perineal pain can also compromise one of your body's most basic functions. 

It’s normal to experience some temporary soreness if you had a catheter put in too. And if you experienced tearing or needed stitches, you’ll probably feel some stinging when the area comes in contact with urine. Using a peri or squirt bottle while you pee can ease some of that discomfort.

There are also psychological factors (fear!) that could be keeping you away from the bathroom. 

What’s considered normal urination pain after giving birth?

Short-term urination pain can affect any woman postpartum. But the details of the discomfort — and when it’ll likely go away — have a lot to do with how you gave birth.

Painful urination after a vaginal birth

Some general soreness is normal as your perineum recovers from all that pushing, and you might notice it more when you’re peeing. If you had any tearing or an episiotomy, it’s normal to experience some sharp stinging as urine comes into contact with the healing tissue.

It can take three to six weeks for soreness and tearing-related pain to fully ease up. But the worst of the discomfort when you pee should gradually go away within a couple of days and then disappear altogether.

Even if you didn’t experience any tearing, having a catheter can also leave you sore and make peeing unpleasant for a little while. But the feeling should be more discomfort than intense pain and will likely disappear within a day or two after the catheter is removed.

Painful urination after a C-section

Contrary to what you might expect, postpartum urination pain may actually be a little more common in moms who’ve undergone C-sections compared to those who’ve given birth vaginally, research suggests.

That has to do with the fact that C-sections almost always include having a catheter placed, which can cause soreness and pee pain for a day or two. 

If you spent time pushing before having your C-section, that can cause the same temporary symptoms too.

What is a postpartum UTI?

Urinary tract infections are infections that occur in any part of the urinary system. They usually happen in the bladder or the urethra, but they can also affect the kidneys. UTIs can form when harmful bacteria make their way into the urinary tract. Most UTIs start in the lower urinary tract after bacteria enter through the urethra and spread upward to the bladder.

Postpartum UTIs are simply urinary tract infections that take place in the days or weeks after giving birth. Most often, they’re the result of having received a catheter, which can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract that then lead to an infection.

UTIs during the postpartum period aren’t necessarily more harmful or uncomfortable compared to UTIs that happen at any other time. But like with all urinary tract infections, it’s important to pay attention to the symptoms and seek treatment quickly.

What are the symptoms of a postpartum UTI?

If you’re dealing with a postpartum UTI, you might experience symptoms like:

  • Pain or burning while peeing
  • Pressure or sharp pain in the lower abdomen
  • Feeling a need to pee often, even if only a drop or two comes out
  • Urine that’s cloudy or foul-smelling
  • Urination pain that seems to get worse instead of better after giving birth

Call your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. UTIs generally need to be treated with antibiotics, and ignoring an infection will usually cause it to become worse instead of better.

If the infection worsens, you may also experience:

  • Fever and chills
  • Pain in the lower back or side
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blood in the urine, which may appear red, pink or brown

Can you take antibiotics for a postpartum UTI if you’re breastfeeding?

Yes. UTIs are typically treated with a short course of antibiotics, including if you’re breastfeeding. Many medications — including most antibiotics — are safe to take while breastfeeding. Your doctor will help you decide which antibiotic is right for you.

Tips to prevent postpartum UTIs

There’s no surefire way to avoid a UTI after giving birth. But peeing within six to eight hours of delivery and regularly emptying your bladder afterwards can help. To make that happen:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. What goes in must come out! Plus, liquids help flush bacteria out of the urinary tract.
  • Get up and walk around as soon as you’re able after delivery. Moving your body will encourage your bladder and bowels to get moving too.
  • Ask for privacy, if you need it. If having a nurse in the room makes it hard to go, request that he or she wait outside.
  • Turn on the water. It sounds odd, but sometimes the sound of the running sink can help.
  • Use a bedpan if you aren’t able to get up. Even if you can’t make it to the toilet, it’s still important to go.

Even once you’re up and peeing regularly, pay attention to any unusual or worsening symptoms. Post-delivery discomfort should generally get better with time. If urinating starts to become more painful or more difficult, that’s a sign to contact your doctor.