Wondering when you can have sex after a C-section? Even if you made it through labor and delivery without pushing, resuming sex doesn’t always come naturally. Many women are surprised that sex can be quite painful after a C-section.

Try not to stress. It’s not permanent, and a few little tricks can make sex after C-section recovery a whole lot more enjoyable.

When can I have sex again after a C-section?

If you had a C-section, the rules are generally the same if you had a vaginal birth: Your doctor will likely recommend waiting between four and six weeks to resume sex.

If you’re rearing to go sooner (and some women are!), you may get the okay as long as you’re not in pain or bleeding. The chances of a problem, like bleeding or infection, are small after about two weeks.

If you had a complication after C-section, like infection or bleeding, you might have to wait longer to have sex. Ditto if pushing during labor resulted in vaginal tearing before your baby was delivered via C-section.

That doesn’t mean you’ll feel ready to jump in the sack with your partner after two weeks — or two months. Many women bleed for up to six weeks postpartum. You might be so exhausted that all you want to do is hit the sack. Physical changes (like weight gain along with urine and breast milk leaks) might affect your body image and libido. Take it easy and be kind to yourself.

Remember, every woman is different. Try not to worry too much. Whether you’re ready to start again or a bit reluctant to resume sex, you’ll rediscover your sexual side with a bit of time and patience.

What to do about painful sex after a C-section

Sex after C-section recovery can be painful. Low estrogen levels result in less blood flow throughout your body, making vaginal tissues thinner and more delicate. Hormonal changes also suppress natural lubricants, so your vagina may feel uncomfortably dry. If you stopped having sex at any point during pregnancy, your vagina might be sensitive until you get back into the swing of things.

If you’re nursing, your vagina may remain dry and sensitive for months longer. Breastfeeding (especially exclusively) can put ovulation on pause. Your natural lubricants will ramp up around the time of your first postpartum period.

In the meantime, try a lubricant — K-Y, Astroglide, Sliquid, coconut oil or any other water- or silicon-based lube. All personal lubricants are safe for breastfeeding.

If lubricants just aren’t working, talk to your doctor. He or she may recommend using a daily vaginal moisturizer and, possibly, an estrogen suppository in your vagina.

Tips on having sex after a C-section

No matter how you gave birth, sex might be the last thing on your sleep-deprived mind while you spend all your time caring for a little person. These tips can make having sex after a C-section a bit more pleasurable:

  • Use your lubricant of choice
  • Loosen up with a glass of wine (right after feeding if you’re nursing) or a massage session
  • Ask your partner for foreplay: a little bit goes a long way!
  • Speak up if something feels good — or if something doesn’t feel right
  • Keep doing your Kegels regularly to pump up blood flow to the vagina and increase pleasure for both of you
  • If sex really isn’t doing it for you, try mutual masturbation, oral sex or even just cuddling

Are there any risks associated with sex after C-section?

Resuming sex before you’re healed from a C-section can lead to infection and bleeding, so be sure to get your doctor’s approval before doing the deed.

Once your C-section incision is healed, sex is perfectly safe. Your incision might feel super-sensitive for quite some time — and that’s totally normal. There’s no risk that it will tear due to the mild uterine contractions of an orgasm.

Are any sex positions off-limits if I’ve given birth by C-section?

While no sex positions are off-limits after having a C-section, you might find that missionary might irritate your incision — especially if it’s your second or third cesarean delivery.

What positions are most comfortable if I’ve had a C-section?

Experiment to find the sex position that’s most comfortable and allows you to control the deepness of penetration. Being on top and side-lying tend to be the best sex positions if you’ve had a C-section, but you may find your incision doesn’t bother you no matter how you get it on.

Every woman and every birth are different. Research suggests that women who had an emergency C-section or significant infertility treatments before conception tend to need more time before they feel up for sex again. Give yourself the time and space you need to heal.

Also check in with your OB/GYN or a mental health practitioner if you’re just not feeling yourself. Postpartum depression is much more common than you might think, but it’s also very treatable with the right care.

Many women find sex hurts after C-section. But one day you’ll be pleasantly surprised when sex feels great again. And don’t forget the contraceptives — it is possible to get pregnant weeks after delivery, even if you’re breastfeeding!