Pumping breast milk can be time consuming, and even though it's well worth the effort, taking more time to clean your pump afterwards may seem overwhelming. But once you know what to do and get into a routine, cleaning your pump isn't difficult.

What’s more, cleaning your breast pump is important when it comes to protecting the newest member of your family from getting sick. This is especially true in the first few months when baby’s immune system hasn’t fully formed, making him more vulnerable to germs.

Here are a few things to know about disinfecting your breast pump properly so it’s squeaky clean and safe for baby every time you use it.

How to clean your breast pump

1. Keep everything that comes in contact with your pump clean, hands included. Before you start pumping or cleaning your pump, make sure your hands are spic-and-span. Wash them in warm soap and water, scrubbing for at least 20 seconds before rinsing. Do this each time you handle your pump. Then wipe down the counter tops or any other surfaces that will be in contact with it, and use a fresh towel or paper towel each time you wipe down or dry it.

2. Inspect your pump every time you use it. Take apart your breast pump before each use to make sure that no mold has formed on any of the tubing, bottles or other parts. If you see something suspect, replace the part as soon as you can before using the pump again. Keep a spare set of tubing and parts on hand in the event that a piece needs to be replaced in a pinch. Mold is really hard to clean and remove, so it’s best just to replace whatever it's found on.

3. Wash your pump after every single use. Rinsing or soaking your pump isn’t enough, as outlined in the most current guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fill up a wash basin with soap and hot water. Don’t use your sink because it or the drain could be contaminated with bacteria that can expose your pump kit to germs. Instead, use a wash basin that’s used exclusively for cleaning your pump, and clean it after every use. Scrub each individual piece of the pump with hot soap and water, rinse soap from the parts by holding them under running water and let all the pieces fully air-dry on a fresh towel or paper towel on the counter. Don’t dry your pump parts with a previously used dish towel that can carry germs. Infection is extremely rare, but it can happen.

4. You can also use the dishwasher. Your dishwasher is a perfectly acceptable way to clean your breast pump unless the product manufacturer warns against it. Make sure you take the pump apart so that each piece is exposed to the cleaning cycle. Run your dishwasher on the hot or “sanitizing cycle” to kill germs. The small parts can be placed in the mesh silverware rack of the dishwasher. When you’re done, let the pieces air-dry on a clean towel or paper towel if they aren't completely dry.

5. Sanitize your pump for extra protection. Sanitizing your pump daily provides additional protection and is especially important in the first few months of baby’s life, or if your baby is a preemie and her immune system is more vulnerable. If your child is older and healthy, sanitizing weekly is fine, according to the CDC. After washing your pump, it’s time to turn up the heat! With your pump disassembled, boil the pieces in hot water for at least five minutes to kill any pesky germs that made it through washing. Remove them with clean tongs and let the parts air-dry on a clean towel. You can also use quick-clean microwave bags that are designed for sanitizing breast pump parts. These are really convenient when you’re in a hurry or if you’re at the office and don’t have space to sanitize. Follow the manufacturer's directions for use.

6. Store your pump properly. Once you’re done cleaning or sanitizing, reassemble it and store it in a clean area like a plastic food container with a secure top that isn’t used for anything except pump storage. Placing it in a dusty cabinet or drawer can expose it to germs.

How to store your breast milk safely

After pumping, store your milk in baby bottles you bought separately, bottles that came with your pump kit or plastic bags made specifically for breast milk storage. Bottle liners are too thin, so avoid using those to store your milk. It’s best to divide the milk into serving-size amounts (about 2 to 4 ounces at a time) to avoid wasting any when you thaw it out.

More safe pumping tips

  • Breast milk can be stored for up to four hours outside the refrigerator if it’s not in direct heat or sunlight.
  • At work, store it in an insulated bag with ice packs for up to 24 hours.
  • You can store your milk in the refrigerator for up to four days. Place it in the back of the fridge, where it’s coldest, and label each bottle with the date and time. If it’s a work refrigerator, make sure your name is on the label too.
  • According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you can store breast milk for up to nine months in a refrigerator with a freezer that has a separate door (0°F or −18°C).
  • To safely thaw breast milk, run the bottle under warm water or let the milk thaw gradually in the refrigerator overnight. Always use the oldest milk first. Once the milk is thawed, your leftovers should never be refrozen. Never thaw breast milk in the microwave, stove or at room temperature on the counter.

Though it may seem like a lot at first, cleaning your pump is a cinch once you get the hang of it, and it’s extra important because it helps keep your baby healthy and safe.