Babies are born to mingle, whether it's with you, a big sibling, a grandparent or their favorite fluffy teddy bear. In the most basic sense, socialization doesn't need to be taught because it's already ingrained in your little one at birth.

But while being around other babies and tots does have some benefits for both parent and baby — whether it's in the form of classes, play groups or day care — there's no need to stress about socializing your child yet. Much of the interaction that's required for social development comes naturally. But if you are ready to get out and about with baby in tow, here's what you need to know.

What is social development in early childhood?

Babies need socialization early on, but you're probably providing it without even realizing it. Ways to promote social development in babies include skin-to-skin contact, feeding (including breastfeeding), talking to baby, storytime and cuddles. These will all start helping your little one feel like a part of a community, which at this stage is your family. 

Before age 3, babies get most of the social engagement they need by being around their parents, siblings and caregivers. Babies also socialize just by interacting with the world around them.

What are the benefits of social development in babies?

Honing those baby social skills in early childhood is an important part of your little one's development for a number of reasons, including:

Exposure to new situations

Babies enjoy the benefit of being around other babies because they learn to navigate new environments, play with different toys or even learn new social cues. Most babies participate in parallel play, or playing side-by-side, before directly interacting with other children, which doesn't usually happen until the toddler years.

Language development

Research has shown that parent-to-child or caregiver-to-child interaction — for example, attaching words to items in a baby's nursery — encourages language development. This is also true when a parent narrates what he or she is doing so that a baby hears more words. This sort of social interaction is an important way to help boost your baby's verbal and cognitive skills. 

Studies have also shown that language development increases with face-to-face interaction. For example, babies are able to better understand a second language one-on-one rather than learning it passively through a video or audio recording.

Teaching versatility

Putting your baby in different social situations teaches her to adapt, go with the flow and trust different caregivers. Remember, babies are sponges just waiting to absorb new information and experiences.

Building self-esteem

Babies can benefit from being placed in social settings like day care, playdates and classes because they learn to trust adults other than their parents and be comfortable in environments other than home. Putting babies in different social situations also boosts their self-esteem. 

Learning social cues

Babies socialize starting from birth with parents, other caregivers, siblings and even the cashier at the grocery store. They begin to take social cues right from the start and understand how the world around them works just by going through their everyday routines.

How can I help my baby's social development?

Providing love, care and attention to your little one and modeling good social behavior are the best ways to promote your baby's social development.

You can take an active role in modeling good social and emotional development and empathy by discussing real-life events with your child.

If you witness another child fall on the playground, for example, make it a teaching moment. Run through the event with your little one: "That baby fell down. When I fall down, my leg hurts. I bet his leg hurts right now, too." Then describe how to help, or if possible, get involved: "I'm going to make sure he's okay." This helps little ones understand what it means to be aware of those around them.

Babies and toddlers can develop social skills whether they have siblings or not, but children who have brothers and sisters tend to do it a little faster because they have more exposure. That said, being an only child does not hinder social development as long as their parents and caregivers take the necessary steps to promote it. 

How can stay-at-home parents promote social development for their babies?

Playdates and play groups can help parents establish a social support network and build relationships with other parents in the area, but they aren't required for your little one to develop socially. Join a playgroup if it fits your lifestyle, but don't worry that it will negatively impact your baby if you don't.

How does a baby's temperament affect socialization?

Babies have their own little personalities, which can have an impact on their social development. Shyness, for example, is normal and nothing to be concerned about in most cases, but it can mean that socialization happens more gradually. Babies and toddlers still have immature social skills because they typically haven't had as much exposure to people other than their parents and siblings if there are any. Shyness often fades away, but in about 1 in 5 cases, it sticks around. That, too, is okay.

If your little one is shy and likes to stay close to you in social situations, don't force it. Gradually expose your child to the unfamiliar, and be understanding when she's not feeling it.[1]

It can also be helpful to choose classes or activities that don't require your little one to interact directly with others as much, like music and dance classes.

If your baby goes to day care, she may also experience separation anxiety when you leave.[2] In that case, give your little one ample opportunity to get to know her caregivers, and keep it brief and positive when you're dropping her off.

How to encourage social development

Here's how to boost social development in your little one:

  • Talk to your baby, and make eye contact while you're doing it. Narrate what you're doing. Ask your baby questions even if she can't talk back quite yet.
  • Be empathetic. If you want your little one to be empathetic, remember that she learns from what you do in addition to what you say. If you're having a bad day, no big deal, but try your best to respond positively to the world around you.
  • Get out there. New experiences are good for your child's social development and your wellbeing. Build your social support network while exposing your baby to new adventures.
  • Don't force it. If your baby isn't loving a particular social situation, don't push it. Let your little one come out of her shell naturally.

Playdates and play groups, as well as baby and toddler classes, are a great way to explore the world with your little one. But they aren't critical to your baby's social development. In the beginning, her social skills come mostly from the relationship she has with her parents, siblings and caregivers. Daily engagement and snuggles with them are all the socialization your baby needs.