When do babies hold their heads up? The answer really depends on the baby. But before your baby masters head control, she'll need to develop the neck, chest and arm muscles that will allow her to lift her head up independently and use her forearms as support.

The best way to help your baby build upper body strength? Give her a few minutes of tummy time every day. 

Those neck, chest and arm muscles will play a role as she eventually masters other gross motor skills — reachingsitting and crawling, to name a few. In the meantime, get ready for that first, sweet blink of surprise ("Hey, I can see you!") as your baby lifts her head up from the playmat.

When do babies lift and hold their heads up?

Newborns don’t have much muscle strength, which is why their movements are jerky and their heads are so wobbly. Over the next few months, however, your baby's muscles will grow stronger and she’ll become more coordinated — both of which will help her hold her head steady by around month 4.

Here’s the month-by-month breakdown of your baby’s head control milestones:

  • Month 1: Your newborn might have been able to lift her head for a second or two. But by the end of the first month, she’ll likely be able to hold her head up more often, however briefly. You’ll still be supporting her wobbly head whenever you bathe, hold or carry her, though.
  • Month 2: This is the month when many babies can hold their heads up by themselves for a few seconds. Your little one won’t be able to lift her head very much (or very steadily), though — only about an inch or two off the floor.
  • Month 3: Tummy time is finally paying off! By the end of this month, most babies will be able to hold their heads up a couple of inches by leaning on their forearms. Expect other head control milestones this month too: Your baby will likely also be able to turn her head from side to side and hold her head up and look around when she’s in your arms. 
  • Month 4: By the end of this month, your baby can raise her chest when she supports herself on her forearms. She can also push up on her hands and lift her head to 90 degrees. And if you sit your baby on your lap facing outward, she’ll probably be able to hold her head steady.
  • Months 5 and 6: By the end of month 5, most babies can raise their chest and head with their arms. If you gently pull your wee one upright, she’ll probably be able to keep her head level with the rest of her body. Other milestones that involve head control: Sitting up without support and sitting in her high chair.

How do babies learn to hold their heads up?

Infants gain head control as they build up their neck and upper body strength. That’s why dedicated tummy time is so important — it helps your baby become more mobile and hit those half-year milestones like sitting up.

As she’s able to lift her head for longer periods of time, your baby will also master other physical movements:

  • By the end of month 3: Your baby will be able to kick and straighten her legs and bring her hands up to her mouth. She may also be able to hold a toy if you place it in her hands, and possibly even reach for something that’s dangling above her head (though many other babies don't reach this milestone until month 4).
  • Between months 4 to 6: She’ll be able to hold her head steadier, sit up (at first with plenty of support, then by the half-year mark, on her own) and roll over in both directions.

How to teach your baby head control

You can’t really “teach” head control, but you can encourage it in plenty of ways, especially by giving your baby lots of floor and tummy time. The goal is to help her build strength and coordination so she has the muscle power she needs to lift and hold her head up.

Just don’t force it: If she fusses, stop and try again the next time she’s alert, like after she’s woken up from a nap or you’ve changed her diaper.

Here's how you can help your baby strengthen the muscles she'll use when lifting her head:

  • Start tummy time early. You can start tummy time as early as baby’s first week, laying her face-down across your lap for a few minutes during her alert periods. Aim for three- to five-minute sessions several times a day, always under your watchful eye. If your baby is indignant about being on her belly, start with shorter sessions — one to three minutes — and gradually build up to longer sessions.
  • Give her more to explore. An activity mat with tantalizing tummy time toys can help motivate your baby to lift her head and reach for objects. Look for activity mats with toys that have different textures. Bonus if they feature baby-safe mirrors — a great tool for engaging your curious cutie.
  • Get silly. Try getting down on the floor at eye level with your baby and showing off a few funny sounds or silly faces. Lying on your bellies side by side and lifting your head and neck also lets you show your sweetie how it's done. 
  • Turn tummy time into cuddle time. While lying on your back, place baby belly-down on your stomach or chest. This is a great position for a little face-to-face chat.
  • Prop her up. Sitting your 4- or 5-month old baby on your lap or in the middle of a nursing pillow gives her a chance to practice head control — and gain a new view of the world. She’ll also have an easier time reaching for toys and books. 

What if my baby can’t hold her head up?

Remember that all children hit developmental milestones at their own pace — so try not to compare your 2-month-old to your friend’s. It may take a little more tummy time before your baby is a pro at lifting her head and pushing up on her forearms. Just give her plenty of opportunities to practice. 

Of course, if your baby hates tummy time, she'll certainly let you know it — but rest assured, it's not a cause for concern. In fact, it's pretty normal for a baby to cry or fuss when placed on her stomach, especially at first. Be patient, start slow and be sure to time your belly-down play sessions for best results: before baby's eaten, but after she's had a little rest.

If lying on her belly also happens to bring up a bit of her breakfast, that's also fairly common — just keep a cloth or a wipe handy for cleanup.

If, by the end of month 3, your baby can’t hold her head up, even briefly, or her head is still wobbly, mention it to your pediatrician. If your baby was a preemie, she’ll probably be a few weeks behind these head-control milestones, but it’s always good to check in with your baby’s provider, if only to be reassured that your little one’s on schedule.

When can you stop supporting a baby’s head?

Luckily, babies are sturdy, but you’ll need to support your newborn’s head for at least the first few months. By the time she’s 3 months old, she should have better head and neck control, and her head won’t be as floppy.

Try not to worry that you’ll “break” your baby, though. Soon, you’ll be a natural at toting her around. If your little one can't hold her head steady by the 4-month mark, mention it to your pediatrician.

As for what's next in the milestones department? Once your baby has had plenty of practice with tummy time, she’ll have flexed the set of muscles she needs to master a variety of skills — most immediately, sitting up. You can expect to see her graduate from sitting while supported to sitting up on her own anytime during month 4 through 7 (although some babies sit up as early as 4 months and as late as 9 months).

As the months fly by, your little one will be strong and coordinated enough to graduate to crawling — or straight on to standing and walking — and that wobbly head will be a distant memory.