If your tot takes to water like a guppy, it may be time to sign up for swim classes. But before you do, it’s important to understand that swim classes for babies and toddlers aren’t designed to teach little ones how to swim on their own. They’re meant for kids and parents to be able to have fun together, safely, in the water.

That said, there have been a few studies supporting the benefits of swim classes for toddlers — some even suggesting that when a young child takes one with a parent, her risk of having a drowning accident may be reduced. It's definitely a compelling case for signing up your child sooner rather than later.

Here are some factors to consider when figuring out whether your little one is ready for swim classes.

At what age can babies and toddlers learn to swim?

Swimming instruction definitely isn’t a must-do for babies or young toddlers — and it isn’t for every tot either, so don’t force the issue, says the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

The group now supports swimming lessons for children ages 1 and older who show signs of pool readiness and are frequently exposed to water. (The previous recommendation was swim classes for most kids ages 4 and up.)

If your sweetie seems ready for splashing in something bigger than the bath, discuss the topic of swim lessons with your pediatrician, who can give you a better idea of where your child is developmentally, emotionally and physically, and make a recommendation of a suitable program in your area.

When should my child start swimming lessons?

Age isn’t the only predictor of when your child might be ready to swim. Keep in mind that each child will be ready to swim on her own timeline.

If your little one is frequently exposed to the water, be it a pool or the beach, physically coordinated so she can kick and paddle her arms at the same time, and emotionally ready (read: not afraid of the water), all signs point to go.

In that case, look for a swimming-readiness program that’ll teach her the basic moves — how to float and doggie paddle, for instance. Look for classes of fewer than six students with instructors who are certified in CPR, first aid and water safety.

And remember, "touch supervision" should be strongly enforced whenever your tot is in the water, meaning you or another seasoned swimmer should always be within touching distance of the child.

  • For infants under the age of 1, the AAP recommends against swim lessons because there's no evidence that they lower the risk of drowning. That said, a parent-baby water class can be a fun way to spend time with your little one and get her used to being in the pool. Even then, it's important to be aware of the risks. For example, a baby may easily swallow too much water, which could lead to water poisoning, or have trouble adjusting to the cold temperatures in the pool and, in rare cases, experience hypothermia.
  • For children ages 1 to 4, seek parent-and-child aquatics programs (many local community centers, YMCAs and pools offer them) where the instructors are trained and certified in a nationally recognized learn-to-swim curriculum, first aid and CPR. Swim instructors should never allow a young child's head to go below the water's surface.
  • For swimmers ages 5 and older who are already accustomed to the water, you can try programs that hold classes for kids both with and without parents. Try to find one that focuses on safe pool behavior as well as paddling and kicking. Consider classes that run up to 30 minutes over an eight- to 10-week period so kids can build on foundational skills and eventually move on to coordinating movement of the arms and legs.

What should I look for in a swim class and instructor?

The most important lesson about swim classes: They can't entirely prevent drowning, and they’re never a substitute for constant adult supervision in the water.

Parents should always remain within arm’s distance when a child is near or in a body of water and be aware of and on the lookout for signs of drowning.

When selecting a program or class:

  • Make sure the swim instructor is well-trained and experienced, meaning that he or she is certified in both CPR and first aid.
  • Inquire whether or not this is the instructor’s first time teaching, in which case he or she should be under the supervision of an experienced teacher for at least seven weeks.
  • Look for classes that focus first and foremost on personal safety, as well as growth, stroke development, water games and rescue, per YMCA guidelines.

Also be aware of the AAP's stance on the safe use of floaties, water wings, inner tubes, rafts and even life jackets. While these swimming aids are fine if you’re in the water right next to your tot (a snugly-fitted, jacket-style life vest is recommended for children who are in or near the water), they shouldn't be used to teach your little one how to swim or be counted on to keep her completely safe while she's splashing around.

They often provide a false sense of security, so you still need to be within arm's reach of your child whenever you two are cooling off in the pool, lake or ocean.

When you know what to look for in a swim class and take the proper precautions, going for a dip with your little one can be a rewarding and even relaxing experience. So get in there and have fun!