You know why it’s so important to put your baby in a car seat, no matter how short the drive. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of injury and death among children, and most occur within 25 miles of home (not on highways, as is commonly believed).

A crash at even 30 miles per hour creates as much force as falling from a three-story window. Strapping your baby into a car seat can make all the difference, ensuring both safety and peace of mind, whether you're driving to the store in town or taking a longer road trip to the grandparents' house with baby in tow.

Ready to hit the road? Here’s everything you need to know about infant car seat safety.

Types of car seats

Car seats for newborns and infants

There are three types of car seats[1] you can choose for your baby:

  • Infant car seat. This small, portable seat has a carrying handle and a separate base that’s meant to be left in the car. It's sometimes part of a stroller travel system. If you have more than one vehicle, you can buy additional car seat bases for most brands. Infant car seats are generally designed for babies weighing up to between 22 to 40 pounds, depending on the model, and are meant to be used in the rear-facing position only. Most babies outgrow infant seats by the time they’re 9 to 18 months old — at which point you’ll need to transition your baby to a rear-facing convertible seat or a rear-facing all-in-one car seat.
  • Convertible car seat. With a higher height and weight limit (usually up to 40 to 60 pounds), convertible car seats can be used for longer in the rear-facing position and can later be used in the front-facing position. However, convertible car seats are generally bulkier and less travel-friendly than infant car seats (and they usually aren't compatible with strollers). The fit of a convertible seat may also be slightly less secure for a newborn. So if you choose this model, make sure your baby fits in it snugly.
  • All-in-one (3-in-1) car seat. An all-in-one seat can be transformed from a rear-facing car seat to a forward-facing car seat and later to a booster seat. Just check to be sure yours is designed for babies (not all are) so that your little one fits into it securely. The downside? All-in-one seats usually don't have a carrying handle or separate base. And because they're bigger, you’ll also need to make sure the seat fits properly in your car.

Car seats for toddlers and preschoolers

For toddlers and preschoolers, there are two kinds of car seats to consider, including:

  • Convertible car seat. Toddlers should ride in the rear-facing position of their convertible car seat until they've reached the maximum height or weight for their model (that's until age 2 at the very earliest, although most children aren't ready to face forward until age 3 or 4). It’s safest to wait as long as possible.
  • All-in-one (3-in-1) car seat. Again, if your toddler is riding in an all-in-one model, make sure he's in the rear-facing position for as long as possible.

Car seats for school-aged children

Once your child hits elementary school, you can opt for one of the following types of car seats depending on your little one's height and weight:

  • All-in-one (3-in-1) car seat. Once your child has reached the maximum weight or height for the forward-facing position of his all-in-one seat, you can transition it to the booster seat setting.
  • Booster seat. If you don't have an all-in-one model, you can move your child to a belt-positioning booster seat once he reaches the height or weight limit on his forward-facing seat. He should remain in the booster seat until the seatbelt fits properly (usually when your child is at least 4 feet 9 inches tall).

No matter what car seat you choose, make sure it meets the following criteria:

  • Has a 5-point harness. All new car seats these days are designed with a 5-point harness, since it offers the most points of protection. The harness’s belts attach to the seat at five separate points: Two above the shoulders, two at either side of baby’s hips, and one between baby’s legs. (The exception is if your child is big enough for a booster seat, which doesn't come with a harness but instead uses the lap and shoulder seatbelts.)
  • Meets federal safety standards. Your car seat should meet federal motor vehicle safety standards. Look for a label with a statement confirming that from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).[2] If you can't find it, don't buy the seat.
  • Is in the back seat. No matter what type of car seat you need, remember that children younger than 13 years old should always ride in the back seat if there is one (some cars with just one row of seats, such as trucks, have special car seat rules; check your vehicle's manual).
  • Is in good condition. If the car seat is expired, damaged, recalled, has been in an accident or is missing any parts, don't use it. Make sure the seat comes with its manual, or download the correct one online. Don't try to install or use a car seat without following the manufacturer's instructions.

How to properly buckle a baby into a car seat

Using a car seat the right way — especially in the early days and months of baby's life — can be a bit tricky. How do you know it’s installed correctly? And how can you protect your baby's fragile head and neck? 

Keep these tips in in mind when buckling your child into a car seat:

  • Dress baby comfortably. Because the harness straps go between a baby's legs, dress him in pants, leggings or tights that allow you to strap him in comfortably. You should never strap baby into his car seat in a jacket or snowsuit. Since they add an extra layer between your baby and the harness, bulky winter clothing can make it difficult for you to get the harness straps tight enough. Instead, cover baby’s body with a blanket over the top of his secured car seat.
  • Ensure that the seat is tightly installed at the correct angle. If the car seat is too upright, your baby may slump down, which can obstruct an infant's airway and make it difficult to breathe. That’s why all rear-facing seats have built-in angle adjusters or indicators, so check yours to make sure it's at the correct angle for your baby's height and weight. The top of your baby’s head should be at least 1 inch below the top of the car seat. Once your baby is older and has more head control, he can sit at a more upright angle.
  • Buckle your child in correctly. Gently place your baby’s arms and shoulders through the harness straps, then buckle the crotch buckle and chest clip. Make sure you always fully attach both the crotch buckle and the chest clip.
  • Check your work. Make sure the harness straps are lying flat (they should never be twisted) and are equally snug on both sides. You’ll know they’re tight enough when you can’t pinch any excess fabric along your baby’s shoulder. Next, check the car seat buckle. Is there a large gap between the buckle and your baby’s groin? If so, refer to your manual. Some seats have multiple positions for the crotch buckle, or may allow you to use a rolled up washcloth to fill this space (a small gap just big enough for your fingers to fit is no cause for concern). Finally, look at the position of the chest clip. The middle of the clip should be level with the bottom of your baby's armpits. You’ll want to check that last, since it can move around while you’re tightening the straps.
  • Make sure your baby is secure. Most infant seats come with special cushioned inserts to give your baby a snug fit in the car seat. If not, you can use a tightly rolled receiving blanket on each side of your baby to prop them up. The blankets should not go above the top of your baby's ears: You want your baby to be able to turn his head from side to side. And never use inserts that don't come with the car seat; it not only voids the warranty, but it could make baby unsafe.

Car seat safety guidelines

Always keep these safety basics in mind when using a car seat:

  • Never leave a child unattended in or around a car. And that's even if he's buckled in his car seat.
  • Only use car seats for travel. Properly secured car seats are designed to be perfectly safe for a supervised snooze on a short car trip. However you should never, ever rely on your baby’s car seat as a spot for napping. Remember: The only safe place for a baby to sleep is on his back, in his crib. Move your baby to a safe sleep location once you’re done driving.
  • Children under 13 should sit in the back seat. It might seem tempting to let them sit in the front seat earlier, but it's not safe. And never place a rear-facing car seat in the front passenger seat, since the airbag could injure your baby.
  • Always read the manual. If you’re not sure whether your seat is installed correctly or are having trouble, contact a local certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) for help. 
  • Never use a car seat that’s damaged, expired or has an unknown history. These seats may not provide adequate protection in the event of a crash.