Whether you’re looking for a job that’s closer to home, one that offers better pay or a position that is a little less demanding on your time and body, applying for a new job while you’re pregnant can feel challenging and stressful. 

Should you tell the potential employer you’re expecting? If so, when? Do you tell him or her when you get the call requesting an interview? Should you speak up during the interview? Wait until you get an offer? Or is it best to keep quiet until after you start? 

While there’s a lot to consider, you do have legal protections when you’re pregnant and on the job hunt. Here’s what you need to know. 

Applying and interviewing for jobs while pregnant

First off, being pregnant doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get hired somewhere. Plenty of women secure new jobs during pregnancy, and there are laws to protect you. 

Thanks to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, employers (or would-be employers) with 15 or more employees can’t make job decisions based on pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition. That means as long as you can do the major functions of the job, a company cannot refuse to hire you simply because you’re expecting. 

Legally, you don’t have to tell prospective employers that you’re pregnant. Even if you’re visibly showing, you don’t have to mention it. Whether or not you tell them (and when) is totally up to you.

That said, federal law doesn’t prohibit employers from asking if you’re pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is illegal, however, if they choose not to hire you because you’re pregnant or say it’s in your future plans. 

Fortunately, hiring managers usually avoid asking questions like these because it can lead to legal trouble (for instance, if a woman doesn’t get hired and feels it’s because of her pregnancy). 

In addition to asking if you’re pregnant or plan to become pregnant, some other possible interview questions that can lead to illegal discrimination include:

  • Are you married or plan to get married?
  • Do you have children or plan to have children?
  • How old are your children?
  • Do you have childcare arrangements?
  • Does your spouse work? What is his or her occupation?

Again, most times employers don’t ask those types of questions. If a hiring manager does ask you one of these tricky questions, you might not know what to say. You can, of course, refuse to answer, but you may want to use the opportunity to establish why you’re a great candidate

Address the employer’s concerns or play up your abilities. For instance, you might reply, “Yes, I’m pregnant. My due date is in August, so I’ll be more than ready for the company’s January rush.” Or, “I do have a child. I’m also very committed to my career. In fact, at my previous job, I received recognition for my perfect attendance.”

When to tell jobs about your pregnancy

Ultimately, when you tell your boss (or soon-to-be boss) you’re pregnant is up to you. You definitely don’t need to mention it in your cover letter or a pre-screening phone or video interview.

It’s your choice whether you share your pregnancy during the in-person interview. Every woman’s situation will be different, but as a general rule, openness is a good policy.

Sure, you can try to bluff away your burgeoning belly to an interviewer and keep closed-mouth with your employer after you're hired. But the news will come out eventually and staying mum for too long may lead to a loss of trust. After all, your boss hadn't planned for the newly trained team member to take her leave (maternity leave, that is) quite so soon.

If you do decide to discuss your pregnancy during the hiring process, some employment experts recommend waiting until the end of a second interview (after you've wowed them with your experience and skill) to bring up that you’re expecting. 

Other experts suggest waiting until you’ve received a formal offer, and then discussing your good news as part of the negotiation. How that discussion goes will give you a good idea of how family-friendly the company is — something that may be better to know now than after you've signed on the dotted line.

Successfully getting a job while pregnant

In many ways, getting hired while you’re pregnant is a lot like securing a job any other time. But there are some things you should keep in mind in regards to your pregnancy. These tips can help improve your chances.

Do some prep work.

Research the company and what the position you’re applying for entails. Find out whether the parental leave benefits (if any) apply to new hires. Many companies only give paid maternity leave to people who have worked there for a certain amount of time. 

Don’t make pregnancy the focus of your interview. 

Your goal at an interview is to wow the employer with your skills, education and winning personality. If you choose to mention your pregnancy (remember, you don’t legally have to say anything about it), keep it brief and then move on to highlighting your professional abilities.

Be mindful of scheduling.

Try to schedule job interviews at a time of day when you feel best. That means picking the afternoon hours if you find yourself dealing with nausea first thing in the morning. If you know fatigue catches up with you later in the day, aim to get those interviews completed before noon.

Accepting a job offer while pregnant 

If you get a call back from a job offering you a position, go ahead and do your little dance! Then get down to business. 

If you already spilled the beans about your pregnancy, the powers to be are likely fully aware. However, if you haven’t yet mentioned that you’re pregnant, now might be a good time to bring it up depending on how far along you are. Many women wait until the end of the first trimester to reveal a pregnancy.

As you discuss the job requirements and negotiate a salary, don’t forget to inquire about benefits that will possibly affect you and your baby’s health care coverage, your maternity leave and return to work.

Some questions you should ask your soon-to-be employer:

  • What medical benefits are covered?
  • When does health care coverage start?
  • What is the company’s maternity leave policy?
  • Does the company offer short-term disability (STD)? 
  • If the company does offer STD, what are the requirements? 
  • How long do STD benefits last?

Once everything is out in the open, the employer shouldn’t treat you differently. If the company suddenly rescinds its offer, hires you but treats you unfavorably compared to coworkers, or you have other reason to believe you’re being discriminated against because you’re pregnant, look into filing a charge of discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). 

Chances are things won’t come to that point. Many employers are more than happy to hire a trustworthy, reliable, skilled employee, regardless of pregnancy status. So, although searching for a job while pregnant can be tough, it’s totally doable. Get out there and get hired!