Your driver’s license is about to expire. The car is way overdue for an oil change. You have to get to the post office by 5 p.m. to mail an overnight package. Sometimes you have no choice but to run errands with your toddler in tow. But consider this: What may seem like a tedious task to you can look like a fabulous adventure to your little explorer. Hook into that little-kid frame of mind, and you’ll be on your way to a successful jaunt for everyone. Here are some great strategies to make the most of running errands with toddlers.

  • Stay upbeat. Little kids can really tune in to your attitude, so if your tot senses you’re dreading running errands, he may do the same. Flex those acting muscles: Declare “Hooray — let’s go to the post office!” and your sidekick’s more likely to be in a good mood while you get the deed done.
  • Spin it. Focus on the fun to be had running errands. Saying, “You get to help Mommy put mail in the slot” is way more enticing than starting off with, “You’re not allowed...” or “No touching....” (But don’t shy away from being clear and firm where safety is concerned, even if you don’t open with that info.)
  • Pour on the praise. While you’re running errands, a little positive reinforcement (“What a great job you did listening”), even for small acts of cooperation, goes a long way in getting your toddler to keep up the good work.
  • Keep ’em busy. There’s no way to predict the lines at the bank or pharmacy, so when you bring your toddler places, take along a bag of small, but special, “waiting” items — finger puppets, board books, a pad of paper and a few crayons. And if you’re caught empty-handed while running errands with kids (it happens to everyone), make up a quick game to play: “Let’s find all the things that are red” or “Can you help me count the people in line?”
  • Time it right. When you’re running errands with not-so-patient pipsqueaks, timing is everything. If at all possible, hit the post office, grocery store, or DMV at the least busy time of the week — Tuesday afternoons probably offer shorter waiting times than Saturday mornings, for instance.
  • Have an umbrella stroller handy. You never know when a stop may take longer than expected — or when your toddler’s little legs will be too tired to keep standing in that line. That’s why a fold-out stroller can be an absolute lifesaver when you run errands. Just plop your critter in with a snack and you’ve bought yourself several extra minutes of cooperation and goodwill.
  • Become a drive-through regular. From dry-cleaners to pharmacies to banks, many businesses offer service at your car window (perhaps designed with parents running errands in mind). Take full advantage of these welcome wonders whenever you run errands — the fewer times you have to get your toddler in and out of the car seat, the less likely you are to trigger a meltdown.
  • Treat yourself afterward. There’s nothing wrong with offering the occasional bribe for good behavior when you run errands with kids. Rewarding your toddler with a stop at the yogurt shop can be sweet for both of you. But if you’ve got a cranky customer on your hands, getting your toddler (and yourself!) home for a nap may be the best treat of all.