All toddlers complain about this and that — because that’s what little kids do! Plus, they’re naturally sensitive to temperature, texture and other sensations at this age. But a few kids are touchy-feely to the extreme — and these children may have sensory processing issues.

Difficulty handling certain sensations is the hallmark of sensory processing issues, and it can reveal itself in many ways, such as a marching band going by (sound) or shirt’s itchy tag (touch). Here’s more on the signs to look out for, as well as strategies that may help.

What are sensory processing issues?

Sensory processing refers to the way in which a child responds to what he feels, tastes, smells, sees or hears. Examples of sensory issues include not being able to stand certain textures against one’s skin, getting upset when a siren screams by or avoiding hugs. These scenarios are considered an over-sensitivity, or the hypersensitive type of sensory issues.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are children who have an under-sensitivity, or the hyposensitive tyoe of sensory issues. These kids are unusually indifferent to sensations and some might seem to be starved for stimulation, constantly needing to touch, sniff and taste — well outside the realm of appropriate or typical exploration. 

A child with sensory processing issues is sometimes referred to as having sensory processing disorder (SPD). However, sensory processing disorder isn’t included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) that’s used by physicians and psychologists to officially diagnose developmental conditions, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises that doctors not use sensory processing disorder as a diagnosis.

Instead, when sensory symptoms are present, other developmental disorders — specifically, autism spectrum disordersattention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), developmental coordination disorder and anxiety disorder — should be considered and evaluated.

While there’s no specific test your doctor can run to tell if your child has sensory processing issues, talk to your pediatrician about any concerns you have. Your doctor may also spot signs after developmental screenings at the 18-month or 2- or 3-year doctor well-child visits. 

A referral to a developmental and behavioral pediatrician, child psychiatrist, a child psychologist, neurologist or your state's early-intervention program may be recommended. The evaluations could, of course, reveal that your child’s ultra-sensitivity is simply typical toddler developmental behavior, but it’s better to be sure. 

What are the signs of sensory processing issues in children?

If you’re wondering how to tell if your toddler has a sensory processing issue, know that it can take many forms.

Here’s a sampling of some signs to look for:

  • May hate being touched (if they’re overly sensitive) or seem unable to resist touching everything (if they’re under-sensitive)
  • May find it unbearable to wear clothes with tags or rough fabrics if they’re very sensitive to touch, or seem insensitive to pain, extreme heat or cold due to an under-sensitivity to stimuli
  • May spin around frequently or have trouble balancing
  • Can be agitated and overstimulated by loud sounds and bright lights
  • May display extreme food aversions (beyond hating broccoli)
  • May be overly afraid of swings and other playground apparatus 
  • May be deeply disturbed by dirt on their hands or faces
  • Can need excessive help to fall asleep (think hours of rocking and special noise machines)
  • Constantly head banging
  • May have trouble being gentle with animals
  • May frequently touch things and people, or not understand personal space when other kids do
  • May have a very high tolerance for pain
  • May act very fidgety or be unable to sit still
  • May crave fast spinning, hard hugs, or love being tossed in the air or jumping on furniture

What causes sensory processing issues in children?

While the exact causes are unknown, it's thought that a combination of genetic and environmental factors may contribute to sensory processing issues. More research is needed to learn the reasons sensory processing difficulties occur, but one study on twins found that genetics might be behind overly-sensitive reactions — if one twin was affected, the other was more likely to be as well.

Sensory processing issues are seen more often in children with other disorders that affect communication and behavior, such disorders that are on the autism spectrum.

Are sensory issues a sign of autism?

Sensory issues and autism are indeed linked, as they're more often found in those on the autism spectrum. But since a toddler can have sensory issues but not have autism (and the reverse), it’s best to consult with your pediatrician for guidance.

If your child shows signs of hyper- or hyposensitivity, his doctor or a mental health specialist will follow AAP's guidelines and check for other developmental issues like autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, OCD or an anxiety disorder.

How are sensory processing issues treated in children?

Treatment for sensory processing issues depends on how severe they are and the particular issues a child has. Here’s a look at some of the therapies that may be recommended:

  • Occupational therapy. An OT specialist will work with your child to teach him how to respond appropriately to various kinds of touch. They may order games with sand and water, or try deep pressure on your child's body to ease his comfort level when holding hands and giving and receiving hugs, for example.
  • Physical therapy. This type of treatment feels more like fun and games than a trip to the doctor and may involve swinging or jumping on a trampoline. PT for sensory processing issues may take place in a sensory gym that’s equipped with weighted vests, huge pillows or ball pits, which offer therapeutic stimulation.
  • Listening therapy. A variety of music and other controlled sounds at various volume levels can help a child become more tolerant of loud, unexpected noises.
  • Taste therapy. Have a child who won’t try certain foods — or who constantly sucks on non-food items, like his T-shirt or crayons? An OT can suggest chewy tools, crunchy snacks, drinks with straws, as well as whistles and kazoos to occupy the mouth and satisfy this oral need.

Can a child outgrow a sensory processing issue?

While kids with sensory processing issues may need therapy into adulthood (especially when they head off to new environments, such as a different school), they can learn to better cope with the sounds, smells and other sensations that they encounter as they grow.

In the meantime, you can form a team with your child’s occupational therapist and pediatrician to note any improvements in behavior once therapies have begun.

How to calm a child with sensory processing issues

Calming a child with sensory issues may take some sleuthing in order to determine what can trigger a meltdown or outsized reaction. Try the following when faced with sensory overload:

  • Watch his reactions. Does your tot lose it when the garbage truck comes through? Head off this loud rumbling by closing the windows or moving to a quieter part of the house.
  • Practice breathing. Older kids can do a few downward facing dogs, count to 10 or breathe slowly in and out to try calm themselves when agitated.
  • Make an exit. Birthday parties may be fine for 20 minutes — and then your kid has to flee. Allow your child to leave a situation and find a separate spot when he needs to.
  • Try fidget toys. Playing with a favorite stuffed animal, squishy balls and other sensory toys may help a child calm down.
  • Make exercise a priority. Running, skipping, jumping and more — make time for active play every day so your child benefits from enough sanctioned sensory input as well as a chance to use up excess energy and ease stress.

Parenting a child with sensory processing issues may take you on a journey that tests your patience and understanding. But with the right occupational therapy, a child with sensory issues can learn to better to tolerate the sights, sounds, smells and sensations in the world around him.