There goes your little munchkin, tottering at top speed towards whatever exciting thing has caught her attention. Even though you know how this will probably end, you cross your fingers anyway, hoping that this time she doesn't take a tumble. A few seconds later, she trips, falls and immediately starts crying about a boo-boo on her knee.

Your little one’s natural sense of curiosity, along with normal toddler clumsiness, means that scraped knees and other minor cuts can be a regular occurrence. Fortunately, most of the time all you'll need to care for these types of wounds are a few first aid supplies — and, of course, plenty of TLC. 

How to treat a scraped knee and other cuts in your toddler

A scraped knee can be upsetting for a toddler, but luckily it’s usually very easy to care for at home. Here's how to clean and bandage that ouchie after your sweetie sustains a minor wound.[1] 

  • Suds up. Washing your hands first will help prevent the cut from becoming infected. 
  • Stop any bleeding. A minor scrape will stop bleeding on its own, but a cut or gash may not. Using a clean washcloth or towel, apply gentle but direct pressure to the knee or other area until the bleeding stops. (If you can use a dark-colored cloth, the blood won’t look as scary to your child — or to you.)
  • Double up if needed. If the blood soaks through the cloth, place another one over it and continue to apply pressure. Elevating your toddler's knee (or other injured body part) can help to slow the bleeding as well. For example, have her lie on the sofa with her leg propped up on your lap. Distract your child with a story or song — it will calm you both down!
  • Rinse it off. Hold the injured body part under warm, running water for at least five minutes to wash away dirt, broken glass or any other foreign matter. For knees especially, you might find it easier to use the tap in the tub or a removable shower head instead of the sink faucet. Get rid of any bits of debris that may still be stuck to the wound using tweezers (disinfect them first, and make sure your child can stay still to avoid further injury). If the wound is particularly large or dirty, it may be a good idea to see the doctor and let them help with the cleaning.
  • Clean it up. If the skin around the cut is dirty, gently wash it with mild soap and water. Avoid putting hydrogen peroxide or iodine on the scrape, which can cause irritation and potentially delay wound healing. 
  • Break out the bandages. Once the bleeding has stopped and the wound is clean, dab on a thin layer of petroleum jelly and apply a fresh bandage. Little kids usually like this part: Having a selection of cute and colorful bandages on hand is always a good idea. Let your little patient choose which one she wants. 
  • Keep it clean. Change the bandage at least once a day, or if it gets wet or dirty. When a scab forms, you can remove the bandage — but teach (and remind) your child not to pick at it. Cuts can get itchy as they heal, so keeping the area moist with petroleum jelly can help with the itch and healing.
  • Protect it from the sun. Keep the area out of the sun and protected with sunscreen to reduce the risk of a future scar, especially once the bandage comes off.
  • Make sure your toddler is up-to-date on her tetanus shot. The DTaP vaccine protects against tetanus, a type of bacteria that lives in dirt, soil, dust and manure and can cause wounds to become infected. (This vaccine also protects against diphtheria and whooping cough, also known as pertussis.) Children typically receive DTaP shots at 2, 4, 6 and 15 to 18 months (along with another dose between ages 4 and 6). If your toddler's cut is dirty or was caused by a dirty or rusty object, and you're not sure whether she's up-to-date on her DTaP shots, call the pediatrician to check.[2]

How to prevent scraped knees and cuts in your toddler

Slips, falls and bumps happen, but they’re less likely if you take some simple children's safety precautions. Once your newly minted toddler starts walking, she’ll be able to reach things that she couldn’t before. (So if you haven't already, it's time to get serious about babyproofing around the house.) To avoid (or at least reduce) accidents, you should:[3]

  • Try to keep tripping hazards (like cords or bulky items) away from the middle of the floor, where your naturally clumsy cutie is more prone to tumble and fall. 
  • Invest in baby gates to block off stairs and bathrooms so your toddler can't climb on her own or take a solo toilet trip. There are two types of baby gates on the market — hardware- or pressure-mounted — and while both options are safe, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) says hardware-mounted gates are the only type that should be used on the top of stairs.[4]
  • Put a safety latch on any drawers or cabinets that contain sharp objects (knives, forks, scissors, food-processor blades).
  • Place anything that can shatter high up, including drinking glasses, coffee mugs and hand mirrors.
  • Keep paper shredders out of reach and unplugged when not in use.
  • Make sure your toddler is a safe distance away when you’re loading or emptying the dishwasher.
  • Store tools in locked containers.
  • Keep bins for recycling glass or cans out of reach.
  • Scan your yard for sharp objects that could cause scrapes and cuts, such as pointy rocks (find a place to toss them) or gardening tools (store them in a safe, out-of-reach place).
  • Let your toddler walk around the house barefoot instead of in slippers or socks to reduce the risk of falls. If her tootsies are chilly, choose socks or slippers with non-slip bottoms.
  • Make sure your toddler wears comfortable, well-fitting shoes with non-skid soles when playing outside.
  • Never leave your toddler unattended. Accidents can't always be prevented, but they're much less likely to happen under your watchful eye.  

When to call the doctor about a scraped knee, cut, or skin wound in your toddler

Minor scrapes and cuts can usually be managed at home. But injuries that are more severe or seem infected need medical attention.[5]

You should seek medical care for your child if:

  • The cut or gash is very deep, the edges are widely separated, or it’s very extensive; stitches might be needed. 
  • The wound was caused by an animal or human bite.
  • The wound was caused by a puncture.
  • The wound was caused by a dirty or rusty object and you aren't sure whether your toddler is up-to-date on her DTaP vaccine, which protects against tetanus.
  • After a day or two, the cut shows visible signs of infection, such as redness, swelling or pus, or it feels warm to the touch. 
  • If your child has an infection, she also may have a fever or swollen glands, increased pain in the area, or signs of dehydration.

You should call 911 if:

  • The wound won’t stop bleeding, even after you’ve applied direct pressure for 10 to 15 minutes. (Use your discretion based on the nature of the wound.)
  • Blood is spurting (an artery may have been severed).

Of course, you won’t be able to prevent your child from every boo-boo — scrapes and cuts come with the toddler territory — but a little bit of vigilance can go a long way toward making her world as safe as possible.