Getting sunlight is definitely important during pregnancy — taking walks, spending time outside and soaking in all that natural vitamin D have a lot of health benefits. But it’s also important to make sure you don't overdo it in the sun and take proper sun protection — you’re actually at an increased risk of getting a sunburn while you're expecting.  

Women can be more sensitive to sunburns when they are pregnant thanks to a variety of changes happening, most notably hormone fluctuations, so they should always adhere to using sunscreen daily, as should everyone, says Michelle Henry, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. "A major sunburn can be problematic as many of the medications that we give for a sunburn, we wouldn't want to give to a pregnant woman so being super religious with sunscreen during pregnancy is extra important."

It’s impossible to avoid the sun altogether, nor should you, so here’s what you need to know about sun safety during pregnancy. 

Why your skin is more sensitive to the sun during pregnancy 

Pregnancy is typically not a "calm" time for your skin — and you'll likely experience a lot of skin changes. "This can include increased dryness, eczema, acne, rosacea flares and increased risk of hyperpigmentation," notes Michele Farber, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

You're more susceptible to sunburns throughout those nine months and even into postpartum, thanks to hormonal changes. Other things contribute to all the skin changes and the increased risk of sunburn too. Some of the most notable culprits include:  

  • Immune system changes 

  • A fluctuating metabolism 

  • Increased blood volume and fluctuating heart rate and blood pressure

  • A higher body temperature

Why sun protection needs to be part of your prenatal wellness routine

Making suncare part of your self-care is best for you and your growing fetus. "A healthy mom equals a healthy baby!" echoes Dr. Henry. "Therefore, anything that is not putting the mom at risk, like having a bad sunburn that needs to be treated medically, is going to lead to a happy, healthy baby." 

That said, don't be alarmed that if you get a sunburn, your fetus will, too. "A fetus cannot get sunburned while in utero," says Dr. Farber. 

Risks associated with sun exposure in pregnancy

Sunburns can cause anything from skin wrinkles to hyperpigmentation and even cancer. The following sun-related risks are the most important to watch out for during pregnancy:

Melasma or hyperpigmentation: Melasma or hyperpigmentation is a common skin side effect during pregnancy. Some even refer to it as a "pregnancy mustache," because it often appears on the upper lip, though melasma can also occur on other parts of the face, such as the forehead. Exposure to UV light stimulates it and makes it worse.

If you do experience melasma during pregnancy, know that it usually fades when you're out of the postpartum period. Consult with a board-certified dermatologist to work on a treatment plan.

Overheating and dehydration: Pregnancy makes women much more vulnerable to the heat, according to Dr. Farber. The body is spending so much energy trying to grow the baby that it also works harder to cool down. Heat exhaustion and heat strokes are real concerns. 

Be aware of something called a vasovagal episode. "A vasovagal episode is when a pregnant woman faints from overheating as a result of blood pressure changes," explains Alicia Robbins, M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN in Greenwich, Connecticut. "While this shouldn't have any serious long-term effects on the pregnancy, it's important to be proactive and prevent this from happening by limiting direct sun exposure and staying very hydrated."

How to avoid a sunburn during pregnancy 

There are many easy ways to prevent a pesky burn. The obvious answer to avoiding sun damage is by wearing sunscreen. You may be wondering what's the safest type for expectant ladies: mineral or chemical? And what number SPF — 30, 50, or higher?

"I always suggest to all my patients to use a mineral sunscreen and not a chemical one, especially for pregnant women as they don't want to absorb the chemicals into their bloodstream," advises Dr. Henry. "For daily use, I recommend an SPF30 but if you plan to be outside for more than an hour, use an SPF50 and make sure to reapply every two hours."

Look for mineral sunscreens with the ingredients zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. "Active ingredients in mineral sunscreens sit on top of the skin, so a mineral SPF is less likely to cause irritation or allergic rashes in skin that is already more sensitive," says Jessica Wu, M.D., dermatologist and What to Expect Medical Review Board Member in Los Angeles, California. 

The main reason to stick to mineral-based sunscreens? The chemicals in others. "Research is coming out that a lot of the chemicals found in skin products are what we call endocrine disruptors and should be avoided," explains Dr. Robbins. "Endocrine disruptors can alter your endocrine or hormone system and cause negative changes." She notes chemical sunscreens as one of the formulas you don't want to expose a developing fetus to. Avoid the ingredients homosalate, oxybenzone or avobenzone.

If you find yourself outside for extended periods of time, wearing a hat and protective clothing, staying in the shade and keeping hydrated are recommended. 

Timing matters, too. "Try not to spend a lot of time outside during peak hours of UV exposure," says Dr. Henry. Depending on where you live, that can be anywhere from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. And last but not least, don't neglect skin checks during pregnancy. 

How to treat a sunburn in pregnancy

If you do get a sunburn, ask your provider what they recommend, but they're likely to steer you towards an after-burn cream like aloe vera, an oatmeal bath or a cool shower, says Dr. Robbins. Those typical treatments are considered pregnancy-safe. Cortisone may be an option if your sunburn is bad, but definitely talk with your provider first. 

"The most important thing is to bring down the inflammation," Dr. Henry adds. But remember, NSAIDS (ibuprofen) are not recommended in pregnancy. If you feel like you need a pain reliever, you can ask your doctor about taking Tylenol. 

Try not to stress — there's a lot to remember and avoid during pregnancy with suncare being one part of the picture. Continue to enjoy getting sunlight as desired, take preventative measures not to overheat or burn and your skin (and baby!) will thank you later.