Perpetually moist, damp and darned uncomfortable these days? It comes with the territory. Many expecting women feel sweaty even when the thermostat is turned down, especially at night.

Add in a particularly hot and humid climate, and you might wonder if you're experiencing menopausal hot flashes. In fact, studies suggest up to 35 percent of pregnant women do have hot flashes during pregnancy and postpartum, so it's not your imagination.[1]

Excess sweat is a normal symptom of pregnancy — but there are plenty of ways to keep cool even when the temperature is soaring.

When does night sweating start during pregnancy?

If you were a hot potato before pregnancy, or experienced night sweats before your period, fasten your seat belt! Pregnancy is more likely to be a sweaty ride.

You'll probably feel extra sweaty in the first trimester, the third trimester and postpartum, all periods when you're experiencing more extreme hormonal swings. The good news: Hormones are pretty even in the second trimester so you can hope for a little mid-pregnancy relief.

What causes sweating during pregnancy?

Between hemorrhoids, bleeding gums and acne, what isn't to blame on those raging pregnancy hormones? The hormonal shifts that occur when sperm meets egg confuse the hypothalamus (the area of the brain that helps regulate body temperature), making it perceive heat even if it's a mild 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside.  This, in turn, triggers your body's sweating reflex — a natural mechanism for cooling you down.

Other potential risk factors include a higher-than-usual BMI, smoking and, believe it or not, your growing baby-to-be.

By the third trimester your little bun is heating up the oven of your body as part of the growth process like never before. While he will stay perfectly comfortable, you'll be the one feeling the heat.[2]

What can I do about excessive sweating during pregnancy?

There's no magic solution when you're sweating on overdrive — but there are a number of ways to feel more comfortable.

Throughout the day:

  • Keep hydrated. You're losing water when you sweat a lot, which can make you feel dizzy and faint. So take a drink. What's more, cold liquids can help your body regulate its temperature. Always keep a bottle of cold water with you, and drink when you're thirsty — don't wait until your mouth feels dry. (Or put it on the back of your neck to cool you off when you get hot.) You'll need to gulp down even more when you're working out or the weather's warmer. Water is best, but milk, natural juices, iced herbal tea, and fresh fruits and vegetables count as fluids too. Rule of thumb: Your urine should always be almost clear or slightly yellow, as this is a good indication you're hydrated.
  • Stay out of the sun and in air-conditioned environments, if you can. That goes for both night and day — fans don't help when it's 90 degrees and humid! Avoid hot spaces like saunas or hot tubs (which are always no-gos during pregnancy) too.
  • Avoid working out in the heat of the day. Instead, opt for walks in the early morning or evening, sign up for a class in an air-conditioned gym or take a dip in the pool (bonus: it may also help relieve swelling in your feet and ankles, too).
  • Wear loose, light clothing. Layer it on so you can easily shed clothing or bundle up.
  • Carry a hand-held fan. Fanning yourself will help evaporate excess sweat in a pinch, cooling off your skin.

At night:

  • Layer your bed with blankets. Make it easy to do a quick temperature adjustment at night.
  • Sleep on a towel. It will help absorb excess sweat while you sleep.
  • Use talc-free powder. A dash of powder in areas prone to friction will absorb excess moisture and prevent heat rash during pregnancy.

Can I prevent night sweats during pregnancy?

You can try to keep your cool, but there's not much to do about your surging hormones. However, make sure you have a working air conditioner and/or or a decent fan at home, and an ice machine that cranks out cubes.

When can I expect pregnancy night sweats to end?

You can probably expect to be extra warm and toasty right up to and after birth — and in fact, some women also experience postpartum night sweats

Postpartum sweating is due to estrogen withdrawal following delivery of placenta, as well as other hormonal changes tied to breastfeeding. Many women feel the sweats postpartum much more intensely than during pregnancy, so be prepared.

The sweat effect will likely dissipate gradually as your hormones start to regulate themselves — probably about the time you start ovulating again a few months post-delivery.