Maybe you fell off the bandwagon with your tried-and-true baby sleep routine, or maybe nights have always felt a little willy-nilly for your family. Either way, instituting a bedtime routine for your toddler will help get her ready for sleep, minus (much) of the battle.

Here's everything you need to know about getting started, plus the best bedtime routine activities for your little dreamer. 

When should I start a bedtime routine with my toddler?

It's never too early to establish a bedtime routine with your child. In fact, many experts recommend starting a nightly routine a few months into the first year when an infant begins to develop a consistent bedtime schedule, since it can encourage babies to wind down and get ready for sleep.

So if you haven't yet instituted a bedtime routine with your toddler, now's a great time to start! You'll both come to enjoy the comfort and predictability that comes with having a few calming habits to guide the end of the day.   

Why is a bedtime routine important for your toddler?

Even if your toddler isn't a huge fan of bedtime itself, chances are she'll delight in a nightly pre-bedtime plan. Having an established set of activities feeds her need for predictability to help her feel safe and secure — and gives her a sense of control. 

Just as important? You'll likely find that a routine will make bedtime a little smoother and less protest-prone. Calm, quiet activities encourage your toddler to feel relaxed rather than riled up, which can set the stage for sleep. Plus, she'll be less likely to give you pushback when she knows what's coming. 

And while a routine may not turn your toddler into a perfect sleeper, there's a good chance that it'll allow everyone in your family to get more of the shut-eye they need. A predictable evening process helps your toddler get to bed on time, which can go a long way towards easing problems like overtirednesswaking up at night or rising too early in the morning

The best bedtime routine for your toddler

The best toddler bedtime routine is one that works for your child and your family. But in general, the nightly chillout should be soothing, predictable and long enough that it allows your little one time to transition from whirling to wound-down. You may want to:

  • Have a consistent start and end time. A relaxing nighttime routine will typically take between 30 and 45 minutes, or 60 minutes max. Plan to get started early enough so your sweetie will be tucked in and ready to drift off to dreamland at her usual bedtime.
  • Keep the lights dim. Low lighting helps prime your child's body for sleep, so keep things dim from the start of your routine. 
  • Steer clear of screens for at least two hours before bedtime. TV, phones, tablets and laptops can disrupt your child's sleep. Make your nighttime routine screen-free and keep devices out of your toddler's room.
  • Begin with a bath. Warm water and bathtime have a soothing effect, making them especially good at sending the signal that it's time to start quieting down. 
  • Change into pajamas. Putting on PJs is another simple way to tell your toddler that it's getting close to bedtime. If she likes to be the one to pick her sleep outfit, let her!
  • Offer a snack. If your toddler typically needs a nibble before bed, now's a good time to offer one, before brushing teeth. The best toddler snack options are simple, light and deliver a mix of protein and carbohydrates: Think crackers with small cubes of cheese, toast thinly spread with peanut butter and cut into squares, or a cup of milk and banana slices.
  • Brush teeth. Brushing teeth helps protect your tot's pearly whites, and doing it at the same time each night might encourage her to be more cooperative.
  • Read books or do another calming activity. Snuggle up with a few soothing stories, sing some favorite quiet songs or even try some gentle movement or calm stretching. Different activities work best for different kids (and you can always do more than one!) — just aim to keep things hushed and tranquil. Now isn't the time for active play or horsing around. 
  • Have a special way to say goodnight. Perhaps your little one likes to flip off the lights, turn on her white noise machine or tuck her stuffies into bed. Then offer hugs and kisses and use a consistent phrase to say goodnight (like "See you in the morning!") and head out of the room.  

Tips for establishing a toddler bedtime routine

A good bedtime routine will make your family's evening easier, but getting started can sometimes feel like a challenge. Keep this advice in mind if making the switch feels overwhelming.

  • Start with a gradual slowdown. Begin dialing down the noise and activity after dinner. This will encourage your toddler to wind down before the routine even begins, so she doesn't start the routine at top speed.
  • Time it right. Again, begin your routine early enough so there's no rush to get your toddler into bed at her usual time. If she typically goes to sleep at 7:30 p.m., start your routine between 6:30 and 7 p.m. If it seems like your toddler is still consistently wound up at bedtime or seems overtired, make adjustments as needed. Often, starting the routine and getting her to bed a little earlier can help. 
  • Keep it consistent. Having bedtime happen the same way every night helps your child establish healthy sleep habits. Make a point to do your routine in the same order so your toddler knows what's coming next. 
  • Set a soothing stage. Keep the lights dim, the noise down and the screens off. If there are older siblings at home, remind them to be quiet once your toddler starts getting ready for bed.
  • Offer a transitional object. A small soft blanket or stuffed animal can give your toddler an extra sense of security. She might even want to make saying goodnight to her lovie part of the routine. 
  • Have bedtime happen in your toddler's room. Avoid letting your toddler fall asleep in your bed or downstairs on the couch with you. Doing so will only make it harder for her to doze off on her own. 
  • Make sure your child is comfortable before leaving the room. Try to anticipate needs like a glass of water or a hall light left on before the final tuck-in. Make this check a regular part of the routine, so she knows that's her chance to make any requests. (Just don't get into the habit of accommodating too many asks. Otherwise, you run the risk of bedtime dragging on for hours.)   
  • Be patient. It might take some time for your toddler to get into the swing of the new plan, especially if she's used to running around or playing right up until bedtime. Just stick with it!
  • Do a shortened routine for naps. Incorporating the cues you use at bedtime — like dimming the lights, reading a book and saying "Sweet dreams!" in the same way — can prime your toddler for daytime sleep too.  

Bedtime routine chart and how it can be helpful 

A visual chart outlining each step in the bedtime routine — think pictures of a bath, a toothbrush and a book — can help your child get the hang of the process and make her feel more involved. Budding artists might get a kick out of making their own chart (with some help from you!), but one from a printable template works just as well.

toddler bedtime routine chart

Establishing a toddler bedtime routine is about finding a set of wind-down activities that set the stage for sleep. So do what works best for your family — just aim to keep things calm, quiet and consistent. Before you know it, your toddler will be the one leading you from one step to the next!