Even if your enthusiastic eater has been grabbing the spoon out of your hand since she first started solids, it takes plenty of practice and hand-eye coordination to master self-feeding with utensils. So it’s worth starting the process by the time your tot turns 1 — or sooner, if she starts to show interest.

Here’s how to know when your child is ready to start using a spoon or fork, plus the best tools and foods for getting started.

When can babies use utensils?

Most experts recommend introducing utensils between 10 and 12 months, as your almost-toddler starts to show signs that she’s interested. A spoon should be first on your tot’s tray, since it’s easier to use. She’ll have more success with a fork as her fine motor skills get a little sharper, starting around 15 months.

But you don’t necessarily have to wait until close to your cutie’s first birthday. If you’re doing a baby-led weaning approach to introducing solids, you could start to offer a silicone spoon (sometimes called pre-spoons) for thick, scoopable foods like yogurt or oatmeal even sooner — between 6 and 9 months.

With a silicone spoon, you preload the spoon for your baby and give it to her so she can try putting it in her mouth herself. (Though if she’s eager to practice scooping herself — and you’ve got some patience — let her at it!)

No matter when you start, don’t expect your mini muncher to go from finger foodie to pro utensil user overnight. It’s usually not until between 18 and 24 months when your toddler will (slowly) master the ability to grasp a spoon or a fork independently, use the utensil to scoop up food and deliver the utensil to her mouth ... with or without the food still on it. 

Of course, her odds of completing each step successfully improve the more practice and guidance she gets. So the more often you offer a utensil — and provide demonstrations and assistance as needed — the quicker she’s likely to get the hang of it. 

Keep in mind that your 1- to 2-year old probably won’t be interested in using her utensils every time. Sometimes she might still prefer to eat with her fingers … or just make a mess. (When the latter happens, it’s OK to firmly tell her no, and end the meal if she’s more interested in throwing or painting than actually eating.)

But if your toddler hasn’t shown interest in even trying to use a spoon by the time she’s 15 months, bring it up with her pediatrician.

What to do before introducing spoons and forks to your baby

It’s okay to offer your 6- to 9-month-old baby a pre-loaded spoon for scoopable foods like yogurt or oatmeal, particularly if you’re trying to stick with a baby-led weaning approach. (Though if she prefers scooping or raking with her fingers, that’s fine, too.) 

But other than those specific instances, forks and spoons are better saved until your growing gourmand masters a few preliminary self-feeding skills. In other words? Don’t expect your cutie to go straight from being spoon-fed to using a spoon or fork all by herself. 

In general, you’ll want to make sure your sweetie can swing feeding herself with her fingers before encouraging her to attempt picking up her own food with a utensil and getting the food into her mouth.

Baby-led weaners will start palming finger foods before babies who start off with purées, but in either case, hold off on the utensils until your baby has mastered the pincer grasp — meaning she can pick up bite-sized finger foods (think whole grain O’s, smushed blueberries or tiny cubes of cheese) with her thumb and index finger.

Even then, don’t expect perfection. Before your baby is 1 year old, her coordination and fine motor skills are not likely to be up to the task of getting a spoonful of food all the way to her mouth by herself. This is where a splat mat can come in handy ... and an army of bibs.

How to choose the right spoon or fork for your baby

Intimated by the seemingly endless number of baby- and toddler-friendly spoons and forks? There are a lot of options to choose from, and finding the perfect fit for your foodie might take a few tries.

Pre-spoons for baby-led weaners in the 6- to 9-month range should be small, lightweight and easy for your baby to grip. The best ones are small, lightweight and easy for your baby to grip. BPA-free silicone models are a better bet than metal or plastic ones, since the soft material won’t bother your baby’s mouth if she decides she’d rather chew on the spoon than eat from it.  

When you’re ready to upgrade to a toddler spoon and fork, again, look for models that are light enough for your little one to easily lift and small enough to fit comfortably in her hand. Metal utensils are fine, but options with a BPA-free plastic or silicone handle might be easier to grip. (If you’re going for a set that’s all plastic, it should also be BPA-free.)

Check, too, that the fork tines are blunt to protect your cutie’s face in case she accidentally misses a mouthful. 

Best foods for introducing utensils

The best first foods for utensils are ones that can be easily scooped or stabbed. Learning to use utensils can be challenging, and food that’s hard to get onto the spoon or fork in the first place can make the process frustrating instead of fun.  

When it comes to spoon success, opt for menu items that are on the thicker side. Good options that are easy for new eaters to scoop up (and won’t slide off the spoon) include:

  • Yogurt (especially Greek)
  • Infant cereal or oatmeal
  • Hummus
  • Ricotta cheese
  • Guacamole
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Mashed sweet potatoes
  • Thick puréed soups

Fork-friendly foods are options that you can cut into small cubes or pieces for easy aiming, and with a gentle-firm texture that’s easy to stab. Try pieces of:

  • Soft fruit like banana or melon
  • Pasta shells
  • Baked tofu cubes
  • Whole grain toast squares or pancakes spread with a thin layer of smooth peanut butter.

Mastering utensils is a major mealtime milestone for your mini muncher, but it won’t happen overnight. So give your gobbler plenty of opportunities to practice — and plenty of encouragement to keep trying. Before long, the days of spoon-feeding and finger foods will be a hazy memory.