You’ve finished the super-sweet glucose beverage, waited an hour (or three) for your blood test and then found out you officially have gestational diabetes (GD).  Now what? While it might feel like a drag at first — and you might be wondering if you have to give up your favorite desserts — it’s actually fairly simple to stay healthy when you have GD. 

GD is a form of high blood sugar that is different from pre-existing type 1 or type 2 diabetes because mom’s levels will return to normal immediately upon delivery, according to Brigham and Woman’s Hospital. Your risk of GD is higher if you already have pre-diabetes, a family history of GD, are carrying multiples or are overweight or obese. If you are diagnosed with GD, you will have to make some lifestyle changes, but it's not difficult to learn how to follow a healthy, GD-friendly diet. It just takes a little help from your healthcare provider and possibly a dietitian. 

"Gestational diabetes, which is largely caused by hormones made by the placenta, is quite treatable and even reversible in some cases, says Jennifer Butt, M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN in New York City and a member of What to Expect’s Medical Review Board. 

"This diagnosis doesn't mean you can't have a healthy pregnancy nor a healthy baby," says Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes, MS, RDN, a dietician in Boston, Massachusetts, founder of 360Girls&Women and Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "It's key to communicate with your doctor and dietitian, attend your prenatal visits and follow the recommended health plan."

So what can you eat? It's all about balance. Here's a quick guide to help you navigate through the foods that can help — and hurt — those blood sugar levels. 

How food affects your blood sugar when you have gestational diabetes 

As you probably know, the food you eat is broken down and digested so your body can use it as fuel. More specifically, insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas, regulates how your body metabolizes fats and carbs from food — it also helps your body turn sugar into energy. If you have gestational diabetes, hormones from your placenta change the effect of insulin on your body. Your body then has a hard time regulating blood sugar levels during pregnancy leading to high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and insulin resistance. 

"Uncontrolled gestational diabetes can result in excessive birth weight (macrosomia), which can lead to a difficult delivery for the mother, preterm birth and neonatal hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar in the baby," says Dr. Butt. "Gestational diabetes also puts the mother at risk for having high blood pressure during pregnancy, and also the risk of Cesarean section and having diabetes later in life," she adds.  

Certain foods, like simple carbs (think: pasta and white bread), can cause a spike in your blood sugar. "This is why it's important [for anyone, but especially those with GD] to eat a balance of nutrients, including protein, carbs and healthy fats, so you can maintain your blood sugar levels," Dr. Butt says. 

What to eat when you have gestational diabetes 

Every woman is different, which means the eating plan and the foods that help you manage your GD are going to be slightly different than say, your friend or family member's eating plan. You and your provider will come up with a diet that works for you, your body and your baby. 

In general, all health experts agree that real, whole foods are best when you have GD — and processed foods should be limited if possible. The reason: whole foods not only provide the most nutrients, they help limit spikes in blood sugar.

These are the foods to include in your diet: 

Fruits and vegetables

The fiber in these two groups is digested slowly, which helps your blood sugar rise at an appropriate rate. That means these foods help keep your blood sugar in check. 

Foods to focus on: Try to find produce that’s in season — the food will taste better and it's more affordable! 

Plant proteins

Whole, minimally processed plant proteins are also high in fiber, antioxidants and magnesium, plus they're a healthy way to get in the extra protein you need during pregnancy.

Foods to focus on: beans, lentils, peas, tofu

Whole grains 

Complex carbohydrates, which work to slow the release of glucose in the bloodstream, are part of a healthy GD diet, explains Dr. Butt.

“Complex carbs, like whole grains or starchy veggies like sweet potatoes, are broken down more slowly by the body and hence raise blood sugars slowly after a meal,” says Anderson-Haynes.

Foods to focus on: brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat pasta, oatmeal

Lean proteins 

Getting a moderate amount of lean protein is important for women with gestational diabetes. Since protein takes longer to digest, it has less of an impact on your blood sugar. 

Foods to focus on: fish: lean meats like chicken and turkey 

Healthy fats 

When eaten with carbs and lean protein, healthy fats can also help slow down how fast your body digests the foods, so they'll have less of an impact on your blood sugar levels. Just be mindful that you're incorporating healthy fats, not saturated fats. 

Foods to focus on: nuts, nut butters, seeds and avocados

Other things to keep in mind when you're mapping out your GD-friendly eating habits with your provider: 

  • Read food labels. Although it's best to aim for whole foods that don't have any labels at all, there are many healthy foods that come in cans, boxes or packages. A good rule of thumb? The ingredients list should just be the food itself, with maybe a few spices. For example, if you're looking for peanut butter, stick to brands with just peanuts and salt listed as the ingredients, rather than additional oils and sugar. 

  • Have an eating schedule. Your best bet is to eat well and also consistently, with three solid meals and one or two snacks in between, notes Dr. Butt.

  • Watch your portions. “This is especially important with carbohydrates since they have the greatest impact on blood sugars," says Anderson-Haynes. This doesn't mean carbs are off the menu, but eating too many can raise a blood sugar reading. “Everyone is unique, but generally, low-glycemic carbs prevent a sharp rise in blood sugar." 

  • Have occasional treats. It’s all about balance, of course, and portion size. With your RD’s help, you can find the right mix for your particular needs and even have a small sweet treat once in a while too.

Foods to avoid if you have gestational diabetes 

If you have GD, you may want to cut back on some food beyond what’s always a no-no in pregnancy (like raw eggs, raw fish and unpasteurized dairy). While it's probably not possible to completely avoid these foods, Dr. Butt and Anderson-Haynes both recommend trying to limit the following: 

  • Simple or refined carbohydrates, like white bread, white rice, crackers, pasta and flours

  • Anything with added sugar, like sweetened beverages, soda, desserts, cereals and snacks. Remember, many foods contain sugar without having "sugar" listed on the food label. Watch out for additives ending in ‘ose,’ such as dextrose, maltose and fructose — these are all types of simple sugars.

  • Foods high in sodium, like canned goods, deli meats and cheese and fast food. Anderson-Haynes says a good rule of thumb is to stick to foods with 140 milligrams or less — and to always be sure to check serving sizes! 

  • Saturated fats found in processed meat, red meat, tropical oils, fried food and desserts.

Your gestational diabetes eating plan: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks 

Gestational diabetes meals are highly individualized and really depend on you and your body, explains Anderson-Haynes. Still, there are some smart ways to eat that balance your sugar levels when you have GD. Here's a look at a sample day of eating:

  • Breakfast: Overnight oats made with three-fourths of a cup soy milk, one-half cup old-fashioned oats, a diced date or fig, 1 tablespoon almond butter, 2 teaspoons chia seeds, 1 teaspoon vanilla and cardamom to taste 

  • Snack: 6 ounces low-fat yogurt and a handful of walnuts

  • Lunch: Black bean quinoa bowl made with 1 cup green leafy veggies, one-fourth cup diced tomatoes, 2 tablespoon avocado, 1 cup black beans, a third cup quinoa and 2 slices plantain

  • Snack: 6 ounces plain yogurt and three-fourths of a cup of blueberries

  • Dinner: 1 cup curry-flavored stir-fry tofu, a third cup cooked brown rice, 1 cup cooked broccoli, plus a garden salad with 1 tablespoon salad dressing and1 cup soy milk as a beverage

  • Snack: 4 ounces of apple, sliced and baked with spices you like (cinnamon, nutmeg), topped with chopped almonds and 1 tablespoon of coconut whipped cream (which you can find in most grocery store's freezer or fridge section).

Other great food combos to eat on repeat throughout the week include: 

  • one handful of nuts and 4 ounces of apple

  • a black bean burger on whole grain bread with avocado slices

  • salad with chickpeas, olives, leafy greens and dressing

Ultimately, most women with GD go on to have healthy babies and pregnancies, and this is because they keep a close eye on their condition and adopt a GD-friendly diet. 

In addition to adjusting your diet, other habits to help balance your blood sugar include regular exercise, a good sleep routine, and getting a handle on your stress levels. And once your baby arrives, keep up with those postpartum visits, since your provider will need to continue checking your blood sugar levels, as well as help you with your postpartum recovery. Although you won't have GD anymore, your providers will keep an eye on your blood sugar over the next few years, just to be sure everything remains stable.