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Ah, the complicated topic of naps. Some kids are napping angels, while others, well, they just aren't. But what about dropping the nap all together? It's a dreaded question for some parents as they fear that those couple of silent hours may go away, while others welcome the transition so they can spend more daytime hours out and about as a family. 

Sleep is vital for babies and young children. However, as they get older, it’s normal for kids to need less sleep during the day. Cutting back on nap time helps them fall asleep at a reasonable hour at night. But this begs the question: when will they actually stop napping for good? Our sleep specialists explain when your child may be ready to drop their last nap, tips on how to make the transition easier and what to do instead of naps during their daily routine. 

When do most kids stop napping? 

Every child is different, but generally, most children transition from two naps to one nap between 12 and 18 months and then drop their last nap between 3 and 5 years old, says certified pediatric sleep consultant Jessica Hudson. In the What to Expect Community, moms are finding just that — most moms say their kiddos stopped napping around the 4-year mark. 

“With each month that passes in a baby’s first year, their total sleep needs in a 24-hour period goes down,” Hudson says. “The nighttime goal stays around 11 to 12 hours, so it’s the daytime sleep that decreases as they get older.” 

The total amount of sleep infants and toddlers need depends on their age. Here are the general sleep guidelines according to pediatrician and sleep specialist Angela Holliday-Bell, M.D.: 

  • 1 to 3 months need 14 to 17 hours

  • 4 to 12 months need 12 to 16 hours

  • 1 to 2 years old need 11 to 14 hours

  • 3 to 5 years old need 10 to 13 hours

With all that in mind, Hudson adds that some older children may still need a nap on days full of activities (think: after a gymnastics-themed birthday party or a travel day trekking around an airport). In other words, even if your child is ready to drop their last daytime nap, that doesn’t mean daytime naps are gone forever. 

How to tell if your child is ready to drop their nap

So if your child is approaching the typical age of doing away with naps but you aren't sure if they are truly ready (remember, every kid is different), there are three main signs to watch out for that could signal your child is ready:

  • They're not sleeping during naptime: If their nap “naturally just becomes quiet time or your toddler lays there awake for the full nap consistently for 1 to 2 weeks” that may mean they don’t need the nap anymore, Hudson says. This is especially true if they're not sleeping during the day for naptime, but still consistently sleeping through the night just fine (meaning they aren't overtired, even without a daytime night). If they seem overtired (night or early wakeups), they may still need that daytime nap.

  • They're having trouble falling asleep at night: If your little one is resisting their normal bedtime, or if they take more than 20 minutes to fall asleep at night, Hudson says you may want to consider transitioning to no naps. 

  • They're waking up early in the morning: Consistent early morning wakeups (waking up well before they normally do or have in the past) are also an indication that your child has reached their max hours of sleep needed before it’s time to wake and is ready to stop daytime napping, Dr. Holliday-Bell says.

How to make the no-nap transition smoother and easier 

As with any transition, there will be an adjustment period for both you and your child once you start cutting back on naps. And remember, it doesn't have to go from 100 to 0 in the first week. Here are some pro tips to ensure the change goes as smoothly as possible:

  • Maintain a consistent schedule: To establish a foundation for a smooth transition, it's important to keep to the same wake-up time and bedtime every day when you can, Dr. Holliday-Bell says. 

  • Make bedtime temporarily earlier: During the transition period, move up your child's bedtime temporarily. “This ensures your toddler isn’t going down for the night overly tired, which often results in restless sleep, frequent wakings and early morning rising,” Hudson says.

  • Alternate nap days: To make the transition gradual, Dr. Holliday-Bell recommends alternating between having a daytime nap as usual one day and the next day keeping them awake all day. From there, she advises gradually dropping each nap day until you get to a full week of no napping. 

  • Catnap if necessary: On particularly busy days, your child may really be craving that daytime nap, which is OK. 

  • No late afternoon naps: That said, Dr. Holliday-Bell advises against a late afternoon nap as that can interfere with your child’s ability to fall asleep at bedtime. How late is too late really depends on your child's bedtime, but if bedtime is between 7 and 8 p.m. for example, napping past 4 p.m. would likely interfere with their nightime sleep. 

How to implement quiet time in place of nap time 

Let's face it, nap time is also great for parents: It allows you to get things done or just relax on the couch. So if you’re dreading dropping the nap and losing this time to yourself, experts recommend swapping naptime with quiet time so you still get that much-needed break. Plus, quiet time offers many benefits for kids. 

“An important part of naps is simply the ‘brain break’ and not even the actual sleep,” Hudson says. “Little ones get easily overstimulated and quiet time in their room can serve as a reset.” It also ensures they don’t get to bedtime overly tired, she adds. In addition to recharging them, Dr. Holliday-Bell says quiet time supports creativity, helps children process information from the day and fosters independence.

To implement quiet time, Hudson recommends making it a positive experience. Explain why rest is important and let them know the only requirement is that they’re alone in their room or another designated area with minimal stimulation. 

Together with your child, prepare a “quiet time box” full of activities that encourage independent play such as puzzles, books and certain no-noise toys, Dr. Holliday-Bell suggests. Moms in the What to Expect Community swear by books of course, the Toniebox audio player, Mr. Penci’s Scribble and Write tablet and other open-ended toys like cars and trucks. 

You can do a transitional, relaxing activity together at the start of quiet time, such as reading a book together or singing songs. Then quietly excuse yourself, allowing them to play alone, Dr. Holliday-Bell says. 

As for how much time to block out for quiet time, “start slow, for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then slowly increase the time until you get to about an hour,” Dr. Holliday-Bell says. Starting with short periods of quiet time, Hudson adds, is key as that helps them build confidence and prevents quiet time from becoming a negative thing. 

When it comes to dropping your child's nap, ultimately, you'll know when it's right for them. The good news is that it doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing either — it's okay if the transition takes a little time (for everyone).