If you started out with an infant car seat when your baby was born, you may be wondering when it’s time to graduate to a rear-facing convertible car seat. Here’s when experts say you should make the switch to keep your little one safe.

Many parents prefer to start out with a rear-facing-only infant car seat. These are generally smaller, more compact and more travel-friendly than convertible models. But infant car seats also have lower weight and height limits than convertible car seats do, which means they need to be replaced sooner.

You should switch from an infant to a convertible car seat once your child reaches your infant seat's maximum weight or height, whichever comes first. Most car seats are outgrown when your child's head is less than one inch from the top of the seat, but check your seat's manual to be sure.

An infant car seat’s weight limit is often marketed more clearly (some models include this in the product name), but keep in mind that many children will reach the height limit before they do the weight limit.

Every model is different, but most infant car seats have a maximum weight that’s somewhere between 28 and 35 pounds, and a maximum height between 30 and 35 inches. You can find the limit for your car seat in the user manual, on a label on the side of the seat, or by checking online. Most children will reach one of those two milestones sometime between 9 and 18 months.

Even after you switch to a convertible car seat, you should still keep your child rear-facing as long as possible. And remember, if you ever need help installing any type of car seat, you can find a child passenger safety technician in your area through the National CPS Certification Program at safekids.org.