You might think your newborn's favorite thing to look at is the colorful octopus mobile you put over her crib. But generally, neither colorful playthings, musical toys nor geometric shapes are as enticing to your baby as the human face. In fact, she’s not even picky about whose face it is — so an easy way to present this preferred view is to grab a mirror and let your baby gaze at her own! 

The only consideration when selecting a mirror toy for your baby is safety. Be sure to offer your infant age-appropriate mirrors made from a safe substance, often plexiglass or mirrored acrylic, rather than real glass. Here's how you can join the reflection fun and enhance your baby's development, too.

Why do babies love mirror play?

Mirror play is an excellent example of a simple distraction that doesn’t plug in or come with bells and whistles.

Basic, inexpensive toys like mirrors are actually recommended over high-end electronics that beep and buzz. And since a baby’s favorite thing to look at is the human face, a baby-safe mirror allows her the opportunity to gaze at herself and others in the reflection.

What are the benefits of mirror play for babies?

Are you wondering what all the mirror-baby fuss is about? The point of looking in the looking glass is that it helps your baby learn how to focus her eyes, follow images, learn new words and explore the wonderful things a face can do. And enjoying one’s own blinking, smiling image in a mirror is actually an important social and emotional milestone that babies tend to achieve during the first year.

By gazing at themselves and their loved ones in a mirror, your infant can learn to identify familiar faces, track movements and even develop her tiny muscles as she reaches and rolls toward her reflection. And if you talk to your baby about the emotions you’re showing or each part of your face while you’re in front of the mirror, you’ll also help boost her language skills.

What do babies see when they look in the mirror?

As your baby’s vision improves during the first year, the fun and learning she’ll gain from mirror play increases. Here’s what happens at each age and stage:

  • 2 months: You can let baby gaze at an unbreakable baby mirror as early as 2 months, though her sight is still blurry at this age.
  • 4 months: By about 4 months, she’s tracking images with her eyes and will definitely be interested in mirror play, especially if you prop it in front of her during tummy time.
  • 6 months: At this age, your baby can identify familiar faces, respond to emotions (like smiling!) and enjoy gazing at herself in the mirror.
  • 12 months: When she reaches her first birthday, your baby’s vision is as good as an adult’s, so continue labeling body parts and explaining emotions during mirror play.

How to safely help your baby play with mirrors 

Check out these tips for making baby-safe mirrors a part of your infant’s playtime routine. 

  • Prop it up. Prop a mirror up in front of her during tummy-time sessions. You may find your babe is more willing to stay belly-down if she has her own fascinating face for company.
  • Find a wall mirror. Got a wall-mounted mirror? Encourage your baby to sit opposite it on the floor — but not too far away, since her eyesight is still a work in progress. You can sit behind her for support, allowing her to lean back against your tummy. 
  • Let sibs have a turn. Mirror play is a great sibling activity: Big brothers or sisters can hold a hand mirror in front of the baby while you provide the lap.
  • Name the body parts. Introduce your baby to her beautiful face by pointing at her reflection. Touch her nose, stroke her hair, gently pinch her ears and name each feature as you go. Sure, as a newborn your little one doesn't know what the words mean, but she'll be delighted just the same!
  • Play mirror games. Few baby activities are as much fun as playing peek-a-boo in front of your own reflection. Try it on the floor with your baby seated with you.
  • Sing a fun tune. Make up a song or sing a favorite little ditty during mirror play with your baby. This way, she’ll come to expect the tune and associate mirror fun when she hears it.

Offering a mirror during playtime with your baby boosts her development in so many ways, from visual and language skills to gross motor movement. Plus, it promotes social development as she interacts with you (and maybe her sibs).

Eventually, she'll learn that the friendly face she's been looking at all along is none other than her very own. Now that's a powerful lesson in who's who.