Financial challenges can strike at any time, but if they hit while you’re navigating the whirlwind of pregnancy or just when you welcomed your bundle of joy, it might feel like you’ve reached a breaking point. As overwhelming as this experience can be, you don’t have to face it alone. WIC — otherwise known as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children — is available to help support you and your family. 

Many parents don’t realize that they’re eligible for WIC, and others aren't aware of all the ways the program can help them out. Case in point: An average of 12.13 million parents and kids are eligible, yet only 51% of them actually participate. If you’re unsure if WIC can support your family, it’s definitely worth reaching out to your local WIC agency for more information. 

WIC is a great way to ensure that every mom-to-be and baby has a healthy and happy beginning. Learn more about this program, including if you’re eligible, the benefits you could receive and how to go about applying for it.

What is WIC? 

The goal of WIC is to help you and your family stay healthy and well-nourished during pregnancy and postpartum — even up until your children are 5 years old. If you’re struggling on a tight budget, WIC can help supplement your groceries and provide formula for bottle-fed babies. Beyond helping get more food on the table, WIC also offers nutrition education and lactation resources, like an appointment with a consultant.

Who is eligible for WIC? 

If you are considering WIC as a resource for your family, you’re in good company. In 2022, WIC served roughly 6.3 million people and about 39% of U.S. infants

Here are some more specifics about WIC eligibility:

  • If you are pregnant, you are eligible throughout your pregnancy and up to six weeks after you give birth or experience pregnancy loss. 

  • If you end up breastfeeding, you are eligible up to your baby’s first birthday.

  • If you are a formula-feeding birthing mom, you are eligible for up to six months after your baby is born.

  • Children are eligible for WIC up to their 5th birthday.

“I qualified based on income at a time when we found our household income dropped unexpectedly,” says Emily P., who began receiving WIC benefits when her daughter was 4 years old. “I received WIC food checks that helped me buy some of the groceries we relied on as a family — especially milk, cheese and cereal — which was super helpful when our finances were tight.”

WIC eligibility for military families

Many military families are eligible for WIC, and in most cases, your Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) doesn’t count toward income eligibility requirements. You should contact your local WIC office, found on your state website, for more information about eligibility requirements. 

If you are stationed overseas, you may be eligible for a program called the WIC Overseas Program, which gives you food vouchers (“drafts”) to use at your local commissary or NEXTMARTs. For more information, you can visit the WIC Overseas Program website or the Tricare WIC website.

The benefits of WIC for expectant and new parents  

WIC is best known for food supplement vouchers, however, the benefits of WIC go beyond the grocery store. Here’s a rundown of how WIC can support your family: 

Food vouchers

If you become approved for WIC, your local agency will give you vouchers to purchase food for you and your child. Most states now offer electronic benefit cards rather than paper vouchers. This lets you purchase WIC-approved foods at any grocery store or other establishment that accepts WIC. This includes: 

  • Infant cereals

  • Baby food

  • Adult cereal (iron fortified)

  • Whole wheat bread

  • Various whole grain foods

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Eggs

  • Cheese

  • Milk

  • Dried/canned beans and peas

  • Canned fish

  • Tofu

  • Fruit or veggie juice

  • Soy beverages

Breastfeeding and formula support 

WIC has lactation counselors on staff to tackle your breastfeeding questions and offer guidance and support. And their services are completely free of charge. If you’re breastfeeding, your WIC food package will have extra food to meet your need for increased calories and nutrition while breastfeeding. If you are partially breastfeeding and supplementing nursing with formula, you will also get a food package with extra calories and nutrition, along with infant formula. If your baby requires a specialized infant formula, that will be provided, as well.

Referrals for physical and mental health support

Although WIC itself doesn’t diagnose or treat mental health conditions like depression, the program can connect you to resources in the community that can help. The same is true for other challenging life circumstances, such as if you need support or referrals for a specific medical condition or a substance abuse issue. They also provide support and resources for victims of domestic abuse. This looks like WIC referring you to local welfare and social services if you don’t have access to health insurance or can’t afford the needed treatment. 

To help with preventative care, the team at WIC will help you understand if your infant is up to date on their vaccines and can refer you to all necessary providers so that this care can continue as they grow.

How to apply for WIC

If you are considering applying for WIC benefits, the first thing to do is check out the WIC prescreening tool, which can be found on the WIC website. Your next step is to connect to your state agency directly. They will likely ask you to make an appointment to discuss eligibility and to apply. You can find your local state agency here.

“I really believe that anyone who qualifies for assistance, and could be helped by it, should consider it as an option,” says Emily, who received WIC support for her family for about six months. “My family's circumstances have improved since the time when I used WIC, and it makes me happy now to think that some of the money I pay in taxes every year goes to programs like WIC that help families in need.”